974 INDEX. Bridges, (continued.) Britton, James Monroe, across the Arkansas river at or near claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 Little Rock, Arkansas . . 193 Brockwell, Thomas, all, across the Mississippi river, here- claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 after constructed, to be subject to cer· Brockwell, WilIz'am, tain terms, &c. 215 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 Across the Mississippi river at Rock Bromwcll, Mrs. Alice, Island may be used by the Davenport payment to, for losses sustained by her and St;. Paul Railroad Co. upon pay- father. ... 665 ment, &c ... 220 Brooklyn, across the Missouri river, near Nebraska appropriations for navy yard at, l48,150·152, City, may be built by the Nebraska Brooks, Jacob, 368, 549, 554 City Bridge Co. 222 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 at Brownville, Nebraska, by the Brooks, Marlha A., Brownville, Fort Kearney, and pension to . 664, 665 Pacific Railroad Co. . 223 Brooks, Peter, across the Mississippi river at or near claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 the city of Redwing, Minn. 379 Brossa, Antoine, authorized across the Ohio river, above pension to . . . 778 the mouth of the Big Sandy 398 Broughton, Lyman, below the mouth of that river . . 398 damages awarded to, by commissioners at Wheeling, West Virginia . . . 398 of claims. . . ... 692 below the Covington and Cincinnati Brown, Amamas H., suspension bridge . . 398 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 757 modes and plans of construction, 398, 399 Brown, Charles T., lights to be maintained . 399 accounts of, to be settled equitably . . 739 to be lawful structures and postrroutes . 399 Brown, Crawjbrd C., right of way for postal telegraph . . . 399 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 repeal of law authorizing, 0ver the Ohio Brown, David, river at Paducah 400 damages awarded to, by commissioners across the Saint Louis river, may be of claims .. 692 built and maintained by the Northern payment to, for livestock . 714 Pacific R. R. C0. .. 477, 478 Brown, D. Jay, over the Genesee river, Muuroe County, payment to the widow of, for services N. Y. 610 rendered by him 670 _ tobealcgalstructureandapost-road, 610 Brown, Edward, across the Mississippi river, an Saint payment to, for livestock . 714 Louis, may be built by the St. Clair Brown, Edward O., and Carondelet Bridge Co . 616 homestead application of, declared valid, 656 plan and mode of construction . . 616 Brown, ldlizabetlz, to be a lawful structure and a post- claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 route .. 617 Brown, Isaac, , may be built across the Missouri river, payment to, for livestock . 714 near Lexington, and railway tracks Brown, Isaac N., laid thereon . 627 political disabilities removed from . . 732 t0 be a lawful structure and a post- Brown, James C., route .. 628 damages awarded to, by commissioners mode and plan of building . 627, 628 of claims . . 692 all railway companies to have equal Brown, John, rights .. 628 claim of, allowed by commissioners, 753, 757 may be built over the Ouachita river, Brown, John A., near Arkadelphia, in Arkansas . . . 630 claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 758 appropriations for annual repairs of navy Brown, John D., yard and up wer .. 366, 527 payment to, for livestock . 713 Bridges, l’Villiam I}, Brown, John Young, pension to . ... 650 legal and political disabilities removed Briggs, C/zarlcs B., from . . 676, 677 claim of United States against, to be Brown, Jonathan, compromised , 766 payment to, for livestock . 713 Bright, Bartlett, Brown, Jilqjor Jil., claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 claim of', allowed by commissioners . . 758 Bristol, B. F., Brown, Martha, claim of United States against, be be claim ot, allowed by commissioners . . 742 compromised . 765 Brown, Mrs. Mary A. P., Bristol, Wi!/iam, payment to, widow of John P. Brown . 772 claim of United States against, to be Brown, Oscar D., compromised . 766 _ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 768 Britisband American Clafms Commission, Brown, Ric/lard, appropriations for, 24, S2, 349, 422, 474, 531 payment to, for livestock . 714 balance may be applied to fulfil Brown, Robert H ., treaty stipulations . . 529 pension to ... 733 Brill, Hiram, Brown, Samuel, damages awarded to, by commissioners payment to, for live-stock . 714 of claims .. 692 claim oi allowed by commissioners, 749, 758
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