INDEX. 975 Brown, Samuel N., i Buildings and Grounds, (continued.) payment to, for l1ve·st0ck . . . . . 713 priations for improvement and care Brown, 1WOH1d!! J., of - · . . . . . . 864 365 525 526 payrrient to, for live-stock . 713 monument grounds to be coxisidered vi Brown, ·Z . R., portion of the public, and to be under claim of estate of} allowed by commis- whose control ... . . 865 sinners. ... 758 Buudings, Public, Brown, Valentme, appropriations for care of . 65 claim ci allowed by commissioner! . . 749 site to be procured for custom-house and Brown, William, posnoifice building in Chicago, and payment to, for live-stock . 718 building to be erected thereon . . . 24 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 768 site for erection oi at Cincinnati, for Brown, William M., courts, custom-house, post-office, inclaim of} allowed by commissioners . . 751 ternal revenue and pension offices, 39, 353 Browne, J. Ross, fire-provi at Albany, N. Y., for courts, payment to, for extra. expenses . . 663, 664 custom-house, and post-office . . . 39 Brownvilk, Fart Kearney, and Pacgfc Rail- limit to cost oi in Trenton, N. J., and road Co. appropriation . - ... 42 may build 11 bridge across the Missouri in Indianapolis, Im}., for the courts and river at Brownville, Nebraska . . 223 public oiliues . 42 mode of construction, &c. . . 223, 224 in Hartford, Conn., for courts and public all railway companies to have equal offlces . . . 42 right to usc .. . . 224 in St. Louis, M0., for courts and other Bruce, John .5, public offices . 43 appropriation for payment of 127 in Rockland, Me., for custom-house and appropriation to pay assignee of . . . 632 otlner public offices ... 121 Brunstqn, saac, _ _ in Ball Rnver, Mass., for cust0m—house, B clazn cg] allowed by comrmssiouerg . . 742 _ ploim-oiH£:Tc, . .tf . . d. th . 140 an, 00 e, m ics., . ., or pos 0 oc an 0 er ry political disabilities removed from . . 732 public offices _. 194 Bryon, lfichard H., annual statement to be made of public damages awarded to, by commissioners 6 2 _ piQ}5\‘l)i{l11i{ .f . . .t . . t. 220 of claims .. 9 m it e oc , r ., or cour s, pos · Bryan, Thomas M., - _ office,_&p. . . . . . { ._ . . . 280 claim oi allowed by commissioners . . 758 m Harrnsbngrgh, Pa, exammatwns for Bryant, David A., _ surtgble sito for 281 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 751 1¤ Phil¤d€lPh\¤» Pau f°¤` P09V0mm and Bryant, Joseph, courts . . ._ . . . . 842 pension to __________, 647 at Port Huron, Mich., forcustom—l1ousc, Bryce, Jane Ann, &c. I. . . . 387 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 M R¤l<·>lSl% N- C-, f¤¥` °°¤¥`$$» P05V0mm, Bryce, Malrlww, and other public offices _ . 890 claim of estate of] allowed by commis- Bu/lard, JN"' Lv _ Sinners __________ _ 758 credit to be allowed in settlement of ac- 4 Buchanan County, [mm, _ counts ._ . . . .·· 77 00¤il€m¤1cd cannon, &c., to Soldiers' BUULOH. $99 xllmis, #0. _ _ B I Monument Association of . 54 deg:;;? gggggéggggver mr °°mi§?· 428 uc mmm Eli s · . . . . , claimyoiinllowed by commissioners . . 749 °“PPl“$’ of · • ,• ·, ‘ ‘ .' 'b' BucM,,an, _]_ AL, charges for convertmgi mto som or ars 431 claim of, allowed by commigsiohem _ , 743 uppurteél, ma.yt_be exc, mngc . . . . 431 Buchanan, Mrs. F. Selma, °l“r?° °" pm mg. I0c2)né€l_;lin' 'ml payment to .. , , , , 789 ormef dprovxsx n 3,485 435 Buell, (lenmzl Don Carlos, Bu] Jnfcal; '`'`' ° ° ° ' records of the proceedings of the court "ém n Z avélrded to by commissioners of inquiry concerning the operations lm; ggjms ’ _ _ _ _ _ _ 692 of the army under the commandég 230 Bump owuyhmd M,' ' < . . . . . . ‘ '* '. . . t°;:;“r§{gg°g_;“Script of the phono] B tlgromestcad application or] declared valid, 686 gruplxicnotos token by Benn Pit- un;-9:m nation for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 145 man to be made . . 230 Bw Spbwlzons 41: ` appropriation therefor 867 ya;) ro riaéiongfor _ _ _ _ _ _ 356, 532 Bti5h1a' N Y' . Burchellz Igzter J., contract for improvement of the harbor pa mem to _____ _ , , , , 771 at, may be extended, &c. . . . . 4 Burchfild, Joseph Ru Bu-Zf“]°» C"'! wi claim of allowed by commissioners . . 753 may construct tunnel under Black Rock Bwchmyd, ]g,,;,e,»t' L_ pu harbor and Niagara river, and erect a. Iggyrngnt to , , . . · · 662 picr . . . 189 Bureau of Education, _ Bugq, Squire, appropriations for expenses of the · 46, 504 claim oi allowed by commissioners . · 749 Bureau of nterngl lkgcnuc, _ d Buildings and Grounds, hesulof divxswn m, may be dcslgrmfé 118 408 in and around Washington, D.C., appro- chief clerk of .
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