976 INDEX Bureau of Refugees, Freedman, and Abandoned Cagle, L. H, Lands, _ _ claim oti allowed by commissioners . . 742 appropriation for .— ... 866 Calapooias, to be diecontinued after June 1, 1872 . 866 appropriations for the . 167, 184, 440, 458 all acts 1H regard to payment of bounties, Calbreazh, Thomas, &c., to colored soldiers, &c.,_to remain claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 ill force . . . . . . . 366 Calcasieu Sulphur and Illhzing Company, Bureau of Statistics, maydmport, free of duty, certain meappropriations for the . . . 69, 494 0h1H6F}' Within 0¤€ Yea? -···· :29 Bureaus in the Naqy Department, Value not to exceed. gw- · · · · 29 appropriations for, 145-152, 501, 502, 547-554 C“”“"“T'· Ab"“h“'” Aga) . . Bureaus in me Tmuww Depanmmtl Ca1_cla1n1 of, allowe y commissioners . . 745 appropriations for the . . 67-70, 492-496 f;;%pdMi0¤ for Pay of Clerks in Omce Burgess William S _ danmges uvirarded to, by commissioners oftbu;;;§(;;§;18Ellgfobkél. forkmlryf 7 °f cmms ········-- 692 mg the mail an ... 1 B'·”'l6$°”»J¤Ck$°7'» _ _ representation of, in Congress, s.cc0rddamages awarded to, by commissioners {ng to the ninth census , _ __ _ _ gg _ Of Mums ····- · · · • - 692 certain pre-emption settlers in, to have Burlmgton and Southwestern R. R. Co., one year from, &c., to prove their to consent to the construction of a. bridge claims ... 43 across the Missouri river near Lex- 627 appropriations for office of sgrveyon in ton . . . general in . . . 77 356 05, 515, 586 Burnett, iemuel, for Indian service in J . 187, 459, 539 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 742 for survey of public lands in, 358, 616 Burnside, Albert, augmented rates in 358 B lioénaeigead apéplagation of, declared valid, 686 for survey of eastern boundary umsi e, amea . ., of .. 858 B paygrnent to . . . . . . . . . . 726 post-roads estgblished in, 102, $,82, 383, 587 urns, { as, corporators 0 the centennial oard of B claizn ? allovxd by commissioners . . 751 finance from h. 204 urroug s asper . time for electing representatives to the honxestead application of, declared valid, 657 44th Congress from, established, 578, 579 Burt, Roddin, board of commissioners to report e sys- B hclaim of, allowed by commisssioners. . 749 tem of irrigation for the San Joaquén, us e &c. valleys in ... 6 ., 623 ot; grain, what quantity of mash, &c., to consist of whom .. 623 to represent a . 239 powers, duties, and pag 523 B hfitty-sixcpounds of grain to constitute a. . 244 act to restore part of the ound Valley us , 0/m ., Indian reservation in, to the public payment to, for live-stock _ ._ 714 lands .. 633, 634 B elaimlpty allowed by comm1ssioners . . 758 Campbell, Benjamin H., d I f ushong ary, credit to be allowe , in sett ement o claini of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 accounts .. 740 Butler, Ann G'., 718 Campbell, Janzei Z|I.,d b 745 pension to .·····-· · · · claim of al owe y commissioners . . Butkr, Benjamin F., Campbell, Jogeph M., made a manager of the National Home claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 745 for disabled volunteer soldiers . . . 417 Campbell, Virgima, Butler, Darius H., payment to, as heir of Alexander Watclajm of, allowed by commissioners . . 742 son, deceased ... 690, 691 Butler, Gemjqe B., _ _Camp, Q-c., Equipage, claim of, allowed by commxssnoners . . 745 appropriations for .. 260, 545 Butler, Henry lV., _ _ (jump, [mac, Claim Oli allowed b.Y commissioner! · · 742 payment to, for live—stock . . . . . 714 Bun"? ‘ T'• . . 763 Camp McDcrmi¢, claim of, allowed by commismoners . . in Humboldt county, Nevada, food and B¤¢¢*<w{, El¥“h1{{·¤ d b , i 745 clothing for certain Indians about . . 628 B becélanlnx o , it ozwe y commxss oners . . Camp lvvhlwa Zmmmy Reservation, V ’ Y"?]" " a propriation to pay for property taken ... 776 P B ugleniggsto`' to extend .. 467 y, cllzim of,,el1owed by commissioners . . 751 Oanfggils of or of other adjoining country y I may be transported over territory of the United States from, &c., 1f recip- C rocal privilege is granted . 317 ‘ certain sh and Hsh·oil, the produce of Cadet Barracks, the fisheries of, to be admitted free of 482 appropriation for repair o£ at, West 7 C Img? Wg"f‘P€;’¥€"· &°· ·····‘' ' t ... . ana . ee no wer. _ _ C¢d¢¢·E’ll<l?¤¤”$» Nall!/» at falls of Ohio river, appropriation for course of instruction for, to include what, 555 l continuing the work on . 872
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