980 INDEX. Chester, Pa., Ghzof Enginger (Arrqy), ` ciiicc of surveyor at, abohshed . . . 485 appropr1at1rms.for office of . . 79, 80, 500 mspector of customs at, authorized . . 485 fqr clerks, &c. . . . . . . .79, 500 Cheyenne, Clziof Enqzneers (Navy), a section of public land reserved for the provision as to Ray of . . . 555 use of the city oi] for a reservoir, 168, 159 Chz`q’.Jus1z`ce 0/ lllé bupreme Court, Cheyenne ]"d,‘(mS salary of, established from March 4, appropriation for subsistence of certain . 10 1873 -····-· · · · · 486 Che,/emzeS Chzqf Diedzcul Purvvyor, appropriations for the, 156, 167, 177, 440, 441, °f dm “`my* t? 1*9 ammmmd-' ‘ ‘ 40 450 tognavc snpcrgusxog of purepasc, &c., of Secretary of the Interior to negotiate , °Sp}t?‘.’m me wa Supwgs ‘ ‘ ‘ with, for release of land ceded to them, Ch’,‘?f Q/i D”'S’°" J?" ONCE J Mull Depredw and for what consideration 190 t'° ';; i t d I f 284 285 Chicago, I/I. . . . . ~'’ appropriations for clerks, &c., in 0{Hce of Clad of PQUISIOQ IJ (? e%;·7S’ 284 285 depositary at . 6, 71, 496, 497 C/U·;¥z€»0}?n$$;T3nU SS Ay °` ’ proviso to ac? hmlting the cfjmplwon `tdbe mcmberyof board of survey of harof the marine hospital buxlding at, bm &U at Washington D C 36 repealed ...,... 11 Chia ’ " ’ ' . . . . fqf Ordnance (Army), upggopmmons for commuing WO;`? 126 appropriations for ciface of gg, 281 ```'' . ’ for clerks, &c. .. , 1 ”°&F?".t°. b? efpwcd. `"TMZ 11 CW S~P¢<¤`S¤2L<v’ Ef¤·*>~$; .S. e . e Ch - some cnmn cour conn 1 sion rm a mt;(:;2g£g0é;1md for cusmmhousg and 24 judicial circuit, to be appointed . . . 349 · `· '-```°`' Children. S60 Pensions. sri];};?;? building to be erected 24 provisions for pensions to, under the re- . . '’'' vised pension law . 569-574 ap;;én;§tion, and 1IOW to be 0X* what born out Of wedlock IO {J9 C199B19d vm and 85*imm ·-··-· 24 ¤hi»dre`S€‘}§Z`€“$$az‘ pmiw; A e ‘ ‘ ’ M expenditures not to exceed, &c. . . 24 a ) )r I riéG0I] kor9 ’°’ 518 money not to be expended, until, Chu M. I HJ `'` sw .. . . 24”?‘» me ·~ . . . '.` ’ claim of allowed by c0mm1ssioncrs . . 703 act for relief of sufcrcrp by fire an . . 51 Chm S%’SM mSh P Sc . goods, &c.,sent from without the bmted . t. { t I . . b S f T th .r H f & t b ad appropma wns or scams11p service e- HE€§S’frg€ Ofilusy 8 ’ (' ’ 0 6 5I tween Ssm Prancxsco and . 201, 202, 558 _ ·'· ```' _ -Chippewa Lands in Jlic/ugan,
lggtggggt dunes OH certdm 61 those unsold to be restored to market . 381
· g .{ ’'’' - ’ unoccupied, to be open to homestead encollection of mremal rewmue taxes m . .
. . . . . try by Indians for snx months . . . 381
first collccmm district of Illinois may cmlectw of Cuswms to Select for be suspended . 51 . . assistant treasurer of the United States b géxmf clrldrcnn'.t' ’ l` 381 to be appoinm M ··-···- 543 °{’372 JLt$§L“d°€Z Elie? ° ’ 381 prggfrauon Of rO0mS’ vuultS’ &c" 543 sclecticns hcretoibre mazlc by Indians to SEG Assign"]! TTmSW”S be ccnfirmcd to then} .. 381 designation as depositary, &e., of em- ];‘;‘;‘“""“g mas *° be 381 lector of customs at, revoked . . . 543 1Ot m be taken lmdw Iéné mins` ‘381 0Id p0st—0{Hcc property in, may be 555 O}@m mS g' c anger . , · . . .. . certain soldiers to be reimbursed for loss apprgpmationsffg thi 'f.1.5l hg L?}-444 of clothing by firc at .. 646 0g8E3i;; angigxel visitors 0’ or 170 €"~'¢·;g;;¤jhQQgg¢j€S;;jt’jg"’gg O;jgg;{éd for payment of magsé on t»{1Stl . I . fund of 188, hm of Hulway ‘‘‘'‘‘‘' 160 for the removal of, to White Earth former grants of land not affected . 160 Lake Reservation ____ 189 Chicaye, B~*?¢'~s2*¤~, and Q~5'~ev !?~f(~>¤¤k for wagomroad to nw Lake branch budge across the Mississippi rxvcr, near of agency {OI. ____ 538 €1ir;¤;¤» I<>W¤, may be bm ¤> =¤¢¢¤¤¤· 45 to purchase; from mmsappa bands mocae ... gx t - yi p { y,, d *39 Chicago, Roc/e Ls/qnd, and Pacffic R. R. O0., to OBn;b1;“$€1xgwgiiugnijgxg t31I9S_ 0 mlc to certain lands m Iowa, confirmed mbush itself ________ 539 to ············ · 421 to consent to Otter—TaiI band of Pil- Chickasaws, lagcrs settling on White Ezmh Reserappropriations for the . 167, 441 vation . .. 189 fo; pgyugent of intGrCst on {Tugé- certain, with their consent, may be NH un 0 ... I , 62 moved from their lands, and locate for expenses of gcneral council of . 189 anew ,... 190 Ohiqf C/wk, vacant lands to be appraised and by 0f Departnxent of State, salary of, cs- whom .. 9 tablished . . . . . . . . . . 145 improvements .. 191