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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1021

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INDEX. 981 Chi cwas, (continued.) Circuit Courts o the United States. See pp after appraisement, lands to be sold Cams, gw. f and how . 191 clerk oi for the eastern district of Virproceeds of sale to be invested for ginia, to transmit certain papers to the the benefit of ... 191 western district 8 lands located with claims arising under times of holding, in the western district the treaty with, of Sept. 80, 1854, may of Virginia established . . . 27, 28, 53 be purchased with cash or military in the western district of Wisconsin, 88 bounty land warrants . . 840 in the eighth judicial district. 135, 136 (jimcmw and Chickasaw Agency, p¤nding process ... 136 appropriation for building for, at New in North Carolina. . . . . 215, 216 ' Buggy Depot . 188 See North Carolina. Ghoctaws, act to restore the records of the court appropriations for the . . . 170, 171, 444 for the northern district of Illinois, 40, 41 for payment of interest on trust- in proceedings in, when the judges di.f· fund of 188, 462 fer, the opinion of the presiding judge for expenses of general council of . 189 or justice to prevail ... 196 reserved lands ot] not to be surveyed upon certificate of diiference of opinion, without their consent .. 186 &c., either party may remove the case authority for delivering any bonds of the to the supreme court of the United United States to, suspended 462 States ... 196 Oharpenning, Gemgqe, writs of error, appeals, exceptions, 196, 197 no part of appropriation for judgments pra,ctice,pleudings,end procecdingsiujn in court of claims to be paid . . . 82 other than equity and udmiralty causes 197 Christopher, H. C'., in common law cases . . . . . 197 muy receive pay of retired second as- in criminal cases . . . . . . . 197 sistzmt engineer in the navy . A 662, 663 process in, when to bear test . ._ . . 197 Chrysler, As/nel B., established in the northern district of homestead application 0iQ declared valid, 655 Georgia ... 2i8 clerk of .. 218 Chute, Mary A., pension to ... 722 Wlms and Pl'°°€” _ ·-···· C/iutkowski, [qnalius T., grand and mlvuff lJ}”`9”_‘ . ‘ claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 758 °°’Yg'l;I;‘i};:l;g°:".z1 ggégpnggzgmlfg C1yaTS· See lnlerlldl R€U8Hil€. $02,8 them l rl m' Ii · ’ Il y' I wggjj ;;g;gy¤g¤cmet¤¤¤¤ may b° umd 253 to have control over the mode of stamps for, &c., sold under distmint or 3;:; busmc m the fhfmiing 262 formted ’‘‘‘‘’’ 253 ower and duty of to the distribution °°u°°t°r° uSing’ &c" to b° allowed P of the money add effects of deceased a credit th°r°f°r ‘ ‘‘ ‘253 seamen if not $300 in value 272 when boxes containing. are emptied, if Ovér $300 in value _ ____ 272 Stamps ‘h°"°°“ t° b° destmycd253`255 claims for wages or effects of deceased penalty for afdxing certain stamps to Seamen after six years may be al, b°x°S containing ‘·‘‘'‘‘' 258 loined or refused by the I . 273 cmn ¤¤>vis*<>¤S ¤=" i¤*··¤¤¤* mmue to have jurisdiction ofpenalties and sr. _ law cimceming *° ’402* *03 feitures under shipping-commissioners' Czgar Makers. See Internal Revenue. ac; _ _ ,,,, . . 276 Who to be deemed · · • · • · - · 251 time end place for holding in the west— to cause their name and residence to be em dis;.-ic; of Missouri . 282 1’€8l$i>€1`0d · · · · · ····· 251 for eastern district . . . . . . 283

><>¤¤*¢r for employing thm not regis- their jmsaacraon and une 283

mY6d ··-········ • 251 by what judges to be held . . . 283 Cigars, r1[aneWcturers<f See Interrud Revo- clerks, district-attorneys, and mernue. shals . . . . . . 283 who to be deemed, and special tex upon, 251 adjourned terms . _ . . 283 no special tax receipt to be issued to, deputies of clerks ot} maybeappomtcd, until required bond is given . . . . 251 &c. . . . . _ . . . . . 330 C{,,c5,ma;5, Ohio, clerk responsible for defaults of 830 appropriation for 0Ece of depositary at, 6, _ oeputy . ·. . . . . . . . . 72, 497 jurisdiction of, in bankruptcy, may be for building for custom-house, post- exercised m certain districts 334 office, &c., at . 352, 353 term of, in Kansas to be held at Leeven- 334 limit io cost of .. 353 worth .. 1. . ih . . site to be purchased in, for the erection Bd(ll·[10ll5ll terms of, for t 19 sou ern is- 422 of s. building for the courts and offices trict of New York . _. _. 1.}) . _ . . of the United States .. tooigeydevoted to crxmme usmess 422 f12S2H2z25ct;?:: eglrpgrtirled until, &c., 39 to be held by what judges and 423 &SSlSfa.nt treasurer of the United States pay I ..·. :l b- · 42é to be appointed at . . . 543 recognizencesond m · on s . I. . See Assistant Treasurers. for lthe eastern district;; Missipurp, :0 d9Sig\'\3.ti0¤ as depositary, &c., of sur- dispose of all sluts, ., 1¤ 18 gig 477 veyor of customs at, revoked . . . 543 circuit court . . . . . . . ,