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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1030

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990 INDEX. Commerce and Navigation, Commissioner ay' Infernal Revenue, treaty provisions with Italy concern- appropriations for, and for office of the, 68, ing ... . . . 845-857 _ 494 Commercial Agents, duty ot} in respect to the termination of appropriations for salaries, &c., ot} 143, 144, the office of assessor and assistant as- 472 sessor 401 Comm2lssavjy·General, to make certain assessments and certify appropriations for office of . . . 79, 500 the same to proper collectors for colfor clerks, &c. . . . . . . 79, 500 lection . .. 402 Commissary-Sergeants, to make general regulations . 403 certain, to be selected to receive and pre- may designate a head of division as chief serve subsistence supplies at each post clerk of the bureau ... 403 or place of deposit ... 485 certain copies of the new compilation of their duties and pay .. 485 intemal revenue laws, placed at the Commission. See Commissioners. disposal of . . . . 258, 622 to determine the boundary line between Commissioner o/`Patents, the United States and British Posses- may direct the publication of the specisions between, &c 43 fications and drawings of the patent to examine and report to Congress a office, if] &c. . 2 plan for the removal of the locomotive prices of printed copies of, when railroad track in front of the western uncertified 3 entrance of the Capitol 84, 85 appropriations for the, for assistant comto direct the expenditure of the appro- missioner, and for examiners and priation for the observation of the clerks 75, 76, 504 transit of Venus .. . . 367 Commissioner of Pensions, to consist of whom .. 867 appropriations for the, and for clerks in appropriation for expenses of American 0tHce_ of the . . . . . . . 75, 503 and British claims . . 349, 422, 474, 531 pay of, established .. 508, 509 for Mexican claims . . 349, 474, 512 uties of, under the revised pension for Spanish claims . 66, 474 law . . 572, 576 to complete the boundary line between See Pensions. the United States and the possessions Commissioners. See Commission. of Great Britain 437 to examine and report upon the Sutro to determine rights, &c., of parties under Tunnel in Nevada, to be appointed . 3 a trust in respect to education created report to state what .. 8, 4 by treaties with certain Ottawa In- for appraisinglands, &c., of Indians, pay dians . . . . . . 624, 625 of, and appropriation therefor . . . 191 Commissioner, to make inventory and appraisement of to an international congress on peniten- certain lands of the Ottawa Indians tiary and reformatory discipline, the of Blanchard’s Fork, &c. , . 388 President may appoint a . 21 appointment, pay, &c., of . . . 388, 389 no expenditure authorized 21 to appraise lands of the Omaha Indian Commissioner ¢fAgr1bulture, in Nebraska . 391 appropriations for pay of, and of clerks, of the Pawnee Indians . . . 391, 392 &c. . 77, 78, 506 of the Otoe and Missouria Indians, 392 pay of, established . . . . . . 508, 509 of the Sac and Fox of the Missouri Commissioner of Customs, tribe of Indians ... 392 appropriations for, and for office of the, 67, to inquire into the depredations com- 493 mitted by Indians of Texas 396 pay of, established .. 508, 509 to proceed to the frontiers and take Commissioner of Education, testimony . 396 appropriations for the, and for clerks, appropriation for. ... 406 &c. .. 76, 504 to revise the statutes, draft of revision Commissioner o/`Fish and Fisheries, of the laws prepared by, may be act0 direct the expenditure of appropria- cepted . . . 579 tions as to food fishes . . 513 work of commissioners not thereby appropriation for illustrations of report of, 513 approved . 579 preparation of tables, &c., of report of may be discharged from May 4, 1873 . 579 the . . . . 124 to expend the income of certain trust Commissioner of General Land Office, funds in aid of free public schools in may approve of survey of eastern bonn- certain parishes in South Carolina, dary of Nevada by Isaac E. James 10 board of ... 600 appropriations for the, and for clerks, &c., their appointment, duties and pay . . 600 in office of 75, 503 to determine claims other than the Alapay ot", established .. 508, 509 bama claims, against either the United to issue rules to carry into effect the act States or Great Britain, arising out of to encourage the growth of timber on acts committed between April 13, the western prairies ... G06 1861, and April 9, 1865 . . . 867, 868 in regard to joint entry of public their appointment, powers and dulands by certain pre-eruption set- ties . .. . . 868, 869 tiers ... 609 to designate places for the common right Commissions: o/"Indian Afflrirs, of fishing under the treaty . . . . 870 appropriations for the,and for clerks in to determine the compensation, if any, oliice of .. 75, 503 to be paid by the United States to the