INDEX. 989 Galleciors of Customs (continued. (,*0,,,. q · · · . one authorized {or Coos bay, in the south- I asiafdgdiglgtchglaztgld ;£;~g?;€umIM’ 619 5% ern district of Oregon .. 801 board of trustees forgdzo bd g ul ted, in case of sickness, Svc., may authorize by the governor of the Distridtpc B 619 some officer under them to act as dis- number from Washington and bnrsing agent . 604 Georgetown . 619 oilicial bond of the principal to cover . 604 mode of appciutxnexit 'terin uofoofl at Chicago, to be allowed, in settlement See &c , 619 gf 11: ugcoxmts, for certain moneys lost report of board, &c. I 619 y the re .. . . . . 369 a e · Collectors of Internal Revenue. See Internal gecieltfryedddzxedumr of b0ai·d,·ap: 620 Revenue. _ _ pointment, term of odlce, &c., 619, 620 appropriations for . . . . . . G8, 494 may attend meetings but not net compensation of, in no case to exceed vote . ’ 620 8}.500 per annum .. 68, 494 superintendent of, appointment, term of duties of] under internal revenue law, in office, pay, and duties .. 620 respect to distilled spirits, fermented proportion of school money due from liquors, and tobacco . 238-258 Washington or Georgetown, to be for united internal revenue districts to aid to treasurer 620 be designated . 257 Colored, Soldiers and Sailors. See Pensions. to give bond, &c. ... 257 widows oi} to receive pension upon what to perform duties of assessors and as- proof of marriage · .. 570 sistant assessors 401 their children to be held lawful chilto collect certain assessments certified to dren . . . . . . 570 them by commissioner .. 402 appropriation for expenses of collection to keep conspicuously in offices list of and payment of bounty, prizeauoney, names of persons who have paid spe- and other claims of . . .· 528 cial taxes . 403 See Colored Persons. to transmit to commissioner certain state- Columbia College, ments and returns ... 408 hereafter to be known as Columbia. Unito give additional bond .. 408 versity ... 629 commission to, on amount of tux on dis- number of overseers of . 629 tilled spirits . 408 district act for relief of; confirmed. . . 629 to report within ten days to district Columbia Hywaital for Women and lying-in attomey cases for Enes, penalties, Asylum, a_ other Olgarmes, &c. . . . 2 . . . I . . . 580, 581 appropriations for support of the . 360, 518 C M “»W"°'2Fg °° f°"°“’ ‘°° ‘‘‘‘ 58* $35 £§L$2&?..°‘¤.$’.ll‘£‘1}§‘..€r. ‘‘‘‘ 333 0 e z IGM . D pgymeut to, for services as clerk in title to the real estate to be vested Treasury Department . . . . . . 671 in the United States . 360 Collins, David A., _ no part of property to be devoted O H claiineoiilallowed by commissioners . . 742 stpcotheaipurposeg tlguneu 'hoipixlé a ins, iu, ., wi cu c ns n homestead application of} declared valid, 654 United_States Z s . 860 Collins, Ellen, for completion of building 540 pension to . . . 777 additional directors, their appointment Colorado of the West, and term of oiliee ... 860 appropriations for completing the survey Columbus Instmltefor the Deqf and Dumb, of the, by Professor J. W. Powell, 350, 513 appropriations for 131 Colorado Reservation, Oolumbza nstmttnm for the Deof and Dumb, in Arizona, appropriation for in-igating appropriations for salaries, mmntenargcég 518 CHEM Ol} `'°'```'` • ‘ 188 'u.khLs¤'¤fthé estate lruown as O°l°r°d° Feirtimm f t 'tl rnment midenull Green ... 860 upgoplim jmis iw F OTH. QTW73, 498, 582 real estate now owréeg by, to be cionfor office of surveyor-general ing)'? 3565 Egg; tsngllgalinsgethe 3v3S3oz5i?`;::?; P for Indian service in . . . 187, 459 expended I . . 860 for survey of public lands in . 357, 516 estate may be sold when Congress directs 360 for law library for .. 368 Cfalumbza, S._ CQ, _ _ m for survey of boundary of . . 516, 517 appropriation for building for poshc ce 852 post-roads established in . . 102, 888, 537 and c0urt·h0\1S¤ W ···- · · · ands constituting Fort Collins military Columbus Arsenal, reservation in, meds subiect to pre- appropriation for · · · ····~ 863 emption and homestead entry . . . 120 go;,,;,,, j,,],,, Nw _ _ corporators of the Centennial Board of claim Og allowed by commmsionerl · - 758 Finance from '. . _ . ._ . 204 Oumanche Indians, U °°·"°» &°·» of P°m*°¤m·*`Y m> "““Sf°"°d 418 appropriation for subsistence of certam . 10 to .. I _. I C, hu ex ense of maintamm inmates . . 419 °"'“"° ’ . . _ _ _ _ _ 166, 440 Colored Persons. See Colored égvldrhs, é"¢· apprépmgmm im $8 Arm ull, who enlisted in the army, though on C'ommandmg_ enerafcf e uwgkf the mace A the rolls as " slaves, " to have the same appropriatxons or expo 261 544 right as to bounties and pensions . . 601 of the . . . . . . . . . ,
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/1029