LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xxvii Page Pluebe Hepburn. An act for the relief of Phmbe Hepburn. June 1, 1872, ch. 265 . 670 William H. Colledge. An act for the relief of William H. Colledge. June 1, 1872, ch. 266 . . 671 Charles W. l’Vhitncy. An act for the relief of Charles W. Whitney. June 1, 1872, eh. 267 . . 671· Haz·riet B. Pendleton. An act for the relief of Mrs. Harriet B. Pendleton, widow of George H. Pendleton, late of the United States Navy. June 1, 1872, ch. 268 ·672 Martha Elwell. An act granting a pension to Martha Elwell. June 1, 1872, cli. 269 . 672 Phoebe cf‘ing_(€lderlcin. An act granting a pension to Phoebe Ann Elderkin. June 1, 1872, 672 . 4 . , Andrew Reinfort. An act. granting a pension to Andrew Reinfort. June 1, 1872, ch. 271 . . . 672 Martha G. Rudolph. An act granting a pension to Martha G. Rudolph. June 1, 1872, ch.· 272 . 672 Lfargaret Coldwell. An act granting a pension to Margaret Coldwell. June 1, 1872, ch. 273 . 672 James Supple. An act granting a pension to James Supple. June 1, 1872, ch. 274 . 673 Margaret C'. Gibson. An act granting a pension to Margaret C. Gibson. June 1, 1872, ch. 275 . 673 Abraham Cooper. An act granting a pension to Abraham Cooper. June 1, 1872, ch. 276 . . . 673 Nancy E. Pugh. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Nancy E. Pugh. June 1, 1872, cli. 277 . . 673 William B. Taylor. An act granting a pension to William B. Taylor. June 1, 187 2, ch. 278 . 673 Priscilla. Harrison. An act granting a pension to Priscilla Harrison. June 4, 1872, ch. 297 . . 674 Williana F reshour. An act granting a. pension to William Freshour. June 4, 1872, cli. 298 . . 674 A. Schuyler Sutton. An act granting a. pension to A. Schuyler Sutton. Jtme 4, 1872, ch. 299 . 674 Jesse J. Simpklns. An act for the relief of the sureties of the late Jesse J. Simpkins, deceased. June 4, 1872, eh. a00 674 Margaret H. Judd. An act granting a pension to Margaret H. Judd, of Wilmington, Delaware. June 4, 1872, eh. 301 . · - .. 675 Thomas and Anna Whaley. An act to cancel a certain deed to the United States of America. June 4, 1872, eh. 302 675 Samuel Slm_]j‘"er. An act granting a pension to Samuel Shafer, late a private in company I, seventy-eighth regiment of Pennsylvania infantry volunteers. June 4, 1872, ch. 303 . . 675 Winona and St. Peters Railroad Company. An act to refund certain duties paid by the Winona and St. Peters Railroad Company. June 4, 1872, ch. 304 . . . 675 Fanny Kelly. An act for the relief of Mrs. Fanny Kelly. June 5, 1872, ch. 314 .. 675 Wilsnrz Bowlby. An act for the relief of Wilson Bowlby, collector of internal revenue for Oregon. June 6, 1872, ch. 317 676 . Hannon E. Wentwmdh. An act for the relief of Harmon E. Wentwortli, late second lieutenant fourteenth New York heavy artillery. June 6, 1872, ch. 318 .. 676 Emeric Szabad. An act for the relief of brevet-colonel Emeric Szabad. June 6, 1872, ch. 319 . 676 Selah T/Y Reeee. An act for the relief of Selah V. Reeve, late quarbermaster-sergeant of the fourth Michigan infantry volunteers. June 6, 1872, ch. 320 . _ .. 676 Disabilities, Removal afi An act to remove the political disabilities of the persons therein nan1ed._ June 7, 1872, ch. 328 . . .. 676 S. D. Houston. An act for the relief of S. D. Houston, late receiver of public moneys at Junction City, in the State of Kansas. June 7, 1872, ch. 329 . 677 Sarah A. Ward. An act for the relief of Sarah A. Ward. June 7, 1872, ch. 330 .. 577 Mary Ann Montgomery. An act granting a pension to Mary Ann Momgomery, widow of William W. Montgomery, late captain in Texas volunteers. June 7, 1872, ch. 331 .. 577 Wz'Iliuvvz Henry Otis. An act for the relief of William Henry Otis. June 8, 1872, ch. 370. . . 678 Charles and Henry W. Spencer. An act for the relief of Charles and Henry W. Spencer. June 8, 1872, ch. 371 .. 573 Samuel Black and Albert R. Cooper. An act for the relief of Samuel Black and Albert R. Cooper. June 8, 1872, ch. 372 . . . . 579 R. A. Kennedy. An act for the relief of Mrs. R. A. Kennedy. June 8, 1872, ch. 378 . . . . 679 Jefarson W. Davis. An act for the relief of Jefferson W. Davis. June 8, 1872, ch. 374 . . . 679 Mary Ill. Clark. An act for the relief of Mary M. Clark, widow of Leonard Clark, deceased. June 8, 1872, ch. 375 ... . 579 H. G. Ankeny. An act for the relief of H. G. Ankeny, late captain fourth Iowa, infantry. June 8, 1872, ch. 376 . . 680 Frederic Perle. An act for the relief of Frederic Pech. June 8, 1872, ch. 377 ... 680 Charles J`. Faulkner. An act to relieve Charles J. Faulkner, of \Vest Virginia, from the legal and political disabilities imposed by the fourteenth amendment of the Constitution of the United States. June 8, 1872, ch. 378 . . . . . . . 530 Margaret Nelson. An act granting a pension to Margaret Nelson. June 8, 1872, ch. 379 . . . 530 Albert D. Pierce. An act for the relief of Albert D. Pierce, postmaster at Sumnerville, Ottawa County, Kansas. June 8, 1872, ch. 380 . . 530
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