xxviii LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. · Page " r .i . An act for the relief of the le al re resentatives of the late Geer e T. 080 gBV%lg;'5;"s`?oLfKeok11k, in the State of Iowa. Jrize 8, l>872, ch. 381 . ,g , _ 68] Thomas B. Stewart and Alexander McCann. An act for the relief of Thomas B. Stewart and Alexander lll0COH1I, of West Virginia. June 8, 1872, ch. 382 ... , , , 681 Sarah S. Stafard. An act for the relief of Sarah S. Smfford. June 8, 1872, ch. 383 . . , , 681 Julm Belle Dunlap. An am: granting a pension to Julia Belle Dunlap. June 8, 1872, ch, 384 , 681 Bark “A One."An act for the relief of the owners of the bark A One. June 8, 1872, eh. 885 , 681 Rufus M Piukel. An act for the relief of Rufus M. Pickel. June 8, 1872, ch. 386 . . , , , 682 Catherine Crowell. An act granting a. pension to Catherine Crowell. June 8, 1872, ch. 387 . , 682 Abigail Ryan. An act granting a pension to Abigail Ryan, widow of Thomas A. Ryan. Juno 8, 1872,ch.388 . . . . . . . . .. . . . .682 Calvin A. Laws. An act granting a pension to Calvin A. Laws. June 8, 1872, ch. 389 , . , 682 John B. Rose. An act; granting a pension to John B. Rose of Indiana. June 8, 1872, ch. 390 . 683 Marshal of the District of South Carolina. ,An act to grant additional compensation to the Marshal of the District of South Carolina. June 8. 1872, ch. 391 .. 683 Steamer George P. Upton. An act for cancellation of bonds for manufactured tobacco lost 011 steamer George P. Upton, between the cities of Richmond and New York. June 8, 1872, ch. 892 ... 683 James T. Miller. An act for the relief of the sureties of James T. Miller, late collector and depositary at Wilmington, North Carolina. June 8, 1872, ch. 303 . 683 Omaha Lgztional Bank. An act for the relief of the Omaha. National Bank. June 8, 1872, ch. 39 .. . .. . 684 D. O. Farrell. An act for the relief of D. C. Farrell, of Peoria, Illinois: June 8, 1872, ch. 395 . 684 F. cmd E. Reed. An act for the relief of F. and E. Reed, of Bath, Maine. June 8, 1872, ch. 396 ‘ .. 684 Charles Hqnp. An act for the relief of Charles Hipp, of St. Mary’s, Auglaize County, Ohio. June 8, 1872, ch. 397 684 Caiista E. Cox. An act for the relief of Cnlista. E. Cox. June 8, 1872, ch. 398 .. 685 Joseph A. Clay. An act for the relief of Joseph A. Clay, of Philadelphia. June 8, 1872, ch. 399 ($85 George W. Purvis. An act granting a. pension to George W. Perris. June 8, 1872, ch. 400 . . 686 Edwanfggié Aléen401An wct for the relief of Edward G. Allen, of London, England. J unc 8, ‘ , c . ... 686 Robert B. Williamson. An act for the relief of Robert B. Williamson. June 8, 1872, ch. 402 . 685 Abram Bader. An act for the settlement of the accounts of Major Abram Beeler, late pa.yma.stxexof United States volunteers. June 8, 1872, ch. 403 .. 536 Ely Moore. An act for the relief of the estate of Ely Moore. June 8, 1872, eh. 404 636 W. A. Howard. An act for the relief of W. A. Howard. June 8, 1872, eh. 405 .. 687 Francis Wyo. An ncl: referring the claim of the heirs and legal representatives of Colonel Frimcis Vigo, deceased, to the court of claims for adj uszmen:. June 8, 1872, eh. 406 . . 537 Mvrilz Auycnstcin. An act for the relief of Moritz Augenstein. June 8, 1872, ch. 407 687 Charles I[. II`/mmpson. An act. for the relief of Charles H. Thompson, of New Orleans, Louisiana. June 8, 1872, ch. 408 . . .. 687 Michael F. Gannett. An acc fof the relief of Michael F. Gannett. June 8, 1872, ch. 409 . . . 638 Andrew J. Jamison. An act for the relief of Andrew J. Jcmison. June 8, 1872, eh. 410 . . . {$88 John Mlone. An act for the relief of John Milone, postmaster at Uhricksville, Ohio. June 8, 1872, ch. 411 ... 688 S. I*’.1lIm·lcs. A11 aut for the relief of the sureties of S. F. Marks, former postmaster at New Orleans. June 8, 1872, ch. 412 , 688 Jamau éwt forthe relief of .1arnes.D. Wlillonielihy, of .Vine1.an¢1, Jiersey. 689 Jane A. Green. An aut for the relief of Jane A. Green. June 10, 1872, ch. 438 .. 059 C/easter C. Tolmruz. A11 act for the relief of Chester C. Tohnam. Juno 10, 1872, eh. 439 . . . 689 lV:`ll{um So/{ers and Qolrmum Sellers. {ln act to enable William Sellers und Coleman Sellers t0 nmhc 8]7[lllC!|.ll(lll- to the eommisaioner of patents for the extension of letters-patent for an improveinent m coupling for slmiung. June 10, 1872, eh. 440 - 690 Ohm-las: Wardwell. 'An act for the relief of Charles P. S.'W¤rdwel1. June 10, 1872, . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . .. "‘ Jang Agee Z;;7‘(,`L'€:F(l(1 I·7lrjqbzfa Campbell. An act for the relief of Jane Allen Birckliead and GJ) clsl anno cl, sole heirs xii: lair of xllexanidcr Watson, deceased. June 10, 1872, mo J. S. IJ`m1r·r/ui!}. An act for the relief of.), S. Umlerliill. June 10, 185.2, eh. 440 601 Legal i go 5clie_veeertai{1 persons therein named froni the legal United Suites, and for other purpojseslc .l)zl11\ieCl0fl8§7Q€e§iIf·it1t fx hi Cfmimlmfm ?i fh? 591
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