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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/42

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2 FORTY—SECON D CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 2, 3, 4, 5. 1871. Clerks ofcourts Sec. 3._ That at each regular and stated session of said courts the

  • 5 °”Quff’::_*° clerks thereof shall present an account to Bald courts o£`_al1 motjgyg

Eoiiffog-mid remaining therein, or subject to th0_0rd01‘ thereof, Statlng m detail in m¤¤¤y¤¤>¢h¤ what causes said moneys are deposxtcd and m what causes payments °°“'“·&°‘ have been made, which account and the vouchers thereof shall be Bled in court. Thedepositing Sec. 4. That if any clerk or other officer of a court of the United $€°*;;Q;0;‘g¥QKi;” Qtates shall deposit any money belonging m the rcgriry of the court, m mt, or the re. violation of this act, or shall retain or convert any suc money to his 0wn f¤¤!§<>¤.<>r ¤v¤· use, or to the use of any other person, he shall be deemed guilty of em- X:f;°Qn3f;‘;‘f;; bezzlement, and, on conviction, shall be punished by s. fine of not less mem. than five hundred dollars and not more than the amount embezzled, or P°“"·“Y by imprisonment for a term not less than one year nor more than ten years, or both, at the discretion of the court. The knowingly Sec. 5. That if any person shall knowingly receive from a clerk or

l§ gm other officer of a court of the United States, any money belonging in

mcg, ,,10,;,, _},, the registry of said court, as sn, deposit, loan, or otherwise, in violation of

  • i¢>i¤*i¤¤<>fpl=l¤i¤ this act, he shall be deemed guilty of embezzlement, and shall be pun-

°°°’,t° M °m` ished as rovided in the last recedin section. boulomsnt.p g _ _ _ _ _ Penalty. BEC. 6. That the act enutled "An act directing the disposition of fgffésfcfu money paid into the courts of the United States," approved April eighv°;_ ik_ pt 1;:7, teenth, eighteen hundred and fourteen, and the act. supplementary thereto, $37,_9h- Tggé approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventeen, be, and the same, ‘“"p’ ‘ are hereby, repealed. Approved, March 24, 1871. &roh»vg4,_ CHA}?. III. —An Act relating to condemned Camumfor Cemetery at San Francisco. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Uondegno? States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is gl::2;°él,y°AS‘;;_ hereby authorized to deliver to the Grand Army of the Republic Cememtion of San tory Association, of San Francisco, California, six pieces of condemned F"'*¤°*°°°· nilon cannon and thirty cannon balls, to be used in the embellishment of t e burial-grounds of said association. Approved, March 24, 1871.

 CHAP. IV. —An Act to authorize the gonunissioners to revise the Statutes to print their

eports. Be it enacted 6 the Senate and House 0 R re n at'·v o ` .V ep sc Z 2 es f the United iEv.ehmoomxpls— States of America in Congress assembled, That the proviso in the act s - . . th';“;;tu°;g‘iY;’:y ofllltlarch three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, directing " that no my, bg, wmtk printing shall hereafter be executed except on written order under the r>¤‘m¤¤d ¤¤ hw direction of heads of departments, or by the two houses of Congress as WYICRH OHIO!'. · d b I yy · . ., ml. 9h_ U5_ au orize y. aw, shall not be construed to affect the printing required Vo1.xv¤.p.s1'l. by the commissioners to revise the statutes, in the execution of their duties; but their reports, mdeizes, and other papers immediately incidental to tlhexr work, Quay be prmtpld upon the written order of the commissioner y w omt e same ma. ave been re ared. Approved, March 24, 1871.y P P M'¤‘¤h 24, 1871- CHAP V —An Act to further ul ‘ ‘ · · ---..—_.. · · fcgatcthePubha.t theS Drawings of the Patent-Oziclgn of pecmmhom and Public tl f $$0 tt cpiactes by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Spwmcugsgp o · aes of rizerzca m Orangress ascembletl,. That if; in the judgment of the and drawings Joan commttee on prmtxnfg, the provisions of the joint resolution pro- $:3: wm;. V1 mg for publishing specifications and drawings of the patent-office, VOL;". p-not appfroIveddJan1(;ary eleventh, eighteen hundredand seventy-one, can be p 0 me un er the direction of the c0mm1ss10¤er of patents more