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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/43

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FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 1871. 3 advantageously than in the manner provided in said joint resolution, it shall be so done, under such limitations and conditions as the joint committee on printing may from time to time prescribe. SEC- 2. That the price of the printed copies of specifications and Price of printed drawings of patents, when uneertified, shall be determined by the com- fi‘;Q§;l;f:g’:°" missioner of patents, ten cents being hereby fixed as the minimum, and drawing; crm;. fifty cents as the maximum price of the same; certified copies to be sold °¤**_“’h¤¤ ¤¤· at the price fixed by the patent act of eighteen hundred and seventy. °°mH°d’&°' Approved, March 24, 1871. CHAP. VI. —An Act authorizing the President to nominate R. H. Lamson a Lieutenant March 27, 1g7L in the United States Lfavy. ”—"""i Be it enacted Q1] the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United R. H. Lqmsou States be, and hereby is, authorized to nominate R. H. Lamson a lieuteu- ;°];;t';::;{';:°d ant in the United States navy. the navy. Approved, March 27, 1871. CHAP. VII. —An Act to re-establish the Office of Surveyor at Eastport, Maine. N arch 30, 1671. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hama of Representatives of the Dizited States of America in Congress assembled, That the office of surveyor at Omce ofsurthe port of Eastport, formerly existing by law and abolished by the "°{é"1;’;E:é’f'_ Secretary of the Treasury, be, and is hereby, re-established and created, gbifshedl u and shall hereafter exist, subject to the same laws and restrictions that appermined to the same before it was abolished; but it shall hereafter be by what name known as the office of surveyor of Eastport and the district of Passat- t°b°k“°'"‘· maquoddy bay. Armovmn, March 30, 1871. CHAP. VIH.—An Ad to amend an Act entitled "An Act to divide tim State of April 4, 1871. Virginia into two judicial Districts? Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Vc]` xw` p` w3` States of America in Congress assembled, That the second clause of the { Gmk °f <>9¤¤'¤ sixth section of the act aforesaid, of which this act is an amendment, t:{°€°;;°§r}r`;’?Qia be amended as follows: “That the clerk of the circuit or district court totmnsmit pa» of the eastern district of Virginia shall transmit the original papers and P°”• &°· certiiied copies of all orders in any suit or proceeding which shall be removed for further proceedings from the eastern to the western district of Virginia, as authorized by the first clause of the said sixth section of the act aforesaid, to the clerk of the court to which such suit or proceeding shall be removed, together with a statement of all costs; and all Further pmfurther proceedings shall be had in the court to which the same shall be °°°d“’g" removed as if the said suit or proceeding had originally been commenced therein." Approved, April 4, 1871. CHAP. IX. —-An Act au!/mrizin the President to appoint Commissioners to examine and April 4, 1871. report upon the gutro Tunnel in the State of Nevada. " `;“"` Be it enacted by the Senate and House mf Represe12t¢ztz`ve.s of the United Siates of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United C°m¤¤l§$l¤¤€¤`¤ States is hereby authorized and requested to appoint a board of three gpgéaélgggttzd commissioners, two of whom shell be officers of engineers of the army Qutro tunneliu and one a mining or civil engineer, to examine and report upon the Sutro }*°"*d°- tunnel in the State of Nevada, authorized to be constructed by an act of 1866, eb. 244. Congress approved July twenty-five, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, with V°l· xiv- P- 2*2- special reference to the importance, feasibility, cost, and time required to