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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/47

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FORTY-SECOND. CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ch. 21. 1871. 7 For compensation of the members of the council of the District of Members of Columbia, four thousand four hundred dollars. °°“”°“· F or compensation of the board of public works of the District of C0- Baird erpublumbia, ten thousand dollars: Provided, That no person shall be entitled H"c‘:l‘f£: mem co draw a salary as a member of the board of public works who is paid 2. berg my to draw salary for the dnscharge of the duties of any other officer under the gov- ¤°·l“*`i°S “» &°· ernmergt oféthe lmitid States ; and said board shall be held to be an ex- ind to isting oar or a the purposes specified in the “Act to rovide a ov- 6 " ms mg ernment for the District of C01umbia," irom and after the aggointmeutiud bO;;$1€rg1r£’c§;.c` qualification of the members thereof. , V0]- xvi- P- *19- For the repair of the damages caused by fire upon the cadet barracks C*’·d°t bmfucki at West Point, ten thousand dollars. °° w°“t P°“‘t‘ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to purchase of Messrs. Little, United Sum Brown, and Company, two thousand copies of the sixteenth volume of the §“‘““°° it United States Statutes at Large, for distribution agreeably to the acts of Con- x:{g°’ vo um gress directing the distribution of the other volumes, seven thousand dollars. T0 pay William Hardin a. balance due him under his contract for sur- Wil1iam Harveyiug the public lands in Nebraska, three thousand six hundred dollars. d"" To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for clothing for the marine Clothing zo: corps for for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy- ¤¤¤'i¤° °°¤'P¤· one, fifteen thousand dollars. For payment to the reporters of the Senate and House for the Con- Additional gressiona.1 Globe of the usua.1 additional compensation for reporting the fH“Yg’ '°P°"?” proceedings of the first session of the Forty-second Congress, five hun- ,3rG1:Q],€-°"1°°` dred dollars each, five thousand dollars. To enable the President to carry out the provisions of the act. of March Civil serv-lee. third, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, authorizing him to prescribe {fT·°l’:1]*B§i· rules and regulations for the admission of persons into the civil service, 0xw' P` ` and so forth, ten thousand dollars. For expenses of the joint select committee on alleged outrages in the Joint select Southern States, the sum of thirty thousand dollars, and any unexpendcd °3mmé**°i°¤ balance of the appropriation for the select committee of the Senate ou $,1;%; Szilgggss the same subject shall be carried to the above appropriation in addition States. thereto, said sums to be carried for this purpose to the contingent fund of the Senate, and to be expended upon vouchers of the chairman of said joint committee: Provided, That the sum of nine thousand seven hun- Purchase of dred and thirty-five dollars and twenty-two cents, being an uuexpended gL“blH?:si,°* balance of an appropriation by act of March third, eighteen hundred and c0ui.Ef;0u€6 °r sixty-nine, “ for purchase of building known as the Club House, at 1869,::11. 122. Charleston, South Carolina, and the fitting up thereof for the use of the W1'"' P‘ 3°°‘ United States couz·ts," and having been, by existing laws, covered into the treasury ot" the United States, be, and the same is hereby, reappropriatcd, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and shall be expended in accordance with the provisions of the act making the original appropriation. T0 supply a deficiency in the appropriation for folding documents and Folding docu. materials for the House of Representatives, twenty thousand dollars. mms- Senate of the United States: For labor, three thousand dollars; for Clerksbocomclerks to committees, pages, horses, and carryalls, fifteen thousand dollars. ml**°¤S» &°· For compensation of the clerks in the ofhee of the surveyor-general Clerksin cmu of Minnesota., employed upon work consequent upon the special appro- g;5';;'§i;:‘;§ °°‘ priation for the survey of the public lands within the limits of the grant m," to the Northern Pacific railroad, per act of July fifteenth, enghteen hun- 1870, 9h_ 292, dred and seventy, nine thousand two hundred dollars, for the Gscal year VOL KVM p· 305- ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. l For compensation of the clerks in the office of the surveyor-general gsuyomga, of Cali Fornia, two thousand six hundred dollars, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. T0 pay Dexter R. Crocker for carrying the mail from Canyonville,