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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/48

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8 FORTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 21. 1871. DGXW K Oregon, to Yreka, California, from the twenty-fourth of April fg the gj'§1‘:‘f;;f;;`“ff*` pint}; of Ngvember, Eigbéeep hundred and fifty-thre0, one thousand Six un re an twenty- ve dollars. s_ R_ Hmow For payment of R. Harlow, late marshal of the southern district gf expenses in ar-, New York, for expenses incurred in arresting one Mott, in San Francisco, '°'*l”8 Mm- for violation of revenue law in said district, five hundred and fifty do}. lars, or so much thereof as ma be due. Smmry of Sec. 4. That: in addition tdrthe clerkships authorized by the set ap- Interior may proved May five, eighteen hundred and sixty, the Secretary of the l£;‘:;ss°f£;;_ Ipbefior is herebylautlsorizetdl and cmpowgeredtlto prczmolie frpmkthefolirkg 0 cass one em o c in e census 0 ce, ree 0 e cer s 0 cess four, seven to bg clerks of class three, and fifteen to be clerks of class two, and the sum of seven thousand six hundred dollars is hereby appro. No increase in printed to pay the increased salary: Provided, That no increase in the

;‘“mb°"” total number of clerks employed in said bureau shall be deemed to be

c,,m{;,, dark. authorized hereby: And prwéded further, That the authority for such glgigs w wrmi- additionahelerlphips of the second, third, and fourth class shall terminate ' one year rom ate. 8¤l¤¤ld¤ d¤¤¤; For the purpose of carrying out the stipulations of the treaty of J ul seventh and - · - · y ments. · ians, rovi in or e °‘*=**°*"¤*°**· 3l'Z`§EL`2S£`§;l3°`d2s“»“iZ§`§S§, $$1 §lTE"Zi"5I2 l£fl'?°“ "`° U3’“di—S"T§“ V°l· ill?-· P- 649- guymetnt of ingerest in the matter of the capitagiizatioii of theg Scheldt; ues, eing n eiiciene in the appropriabions for the a ment of the seventh annual instalmgnt due thtepgoivernment of Belgiurh under said treaty, April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, and the eighth annual instalment, due April first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, twelve thousand dollars, in coin, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Mg:m*`£;$¤¤° 'For the completion of the custom-house at Saint Paul, Minnesota, Mmmmthirty-five thousand one hundred and sixty-three dollars and sixty-five eents, being the amount of a balance of an appropriation for that build- 1:;)% nova standing tolits credit on the books of the treasury, but unavaila e un er existing laws. 0:;*;z(·xV>Yi¤» That section two of "An act making appropriations for sundry civil exim_ 6h_ HL penses of the government for the fiscal year ending June thirty, eighteen Vol. xvi. p. 509. hundred and seventy-two, and for other purposes," approved March three, eighteen hundred and seventy-one, be, and hereby is, amended by striking out lifter the vvords " for custom-house, Astoria, Oregon," the word " completion, and inserting in place thereof " continuation of the e0nstruetion." mgcpniétgueogggnt MEM completion of the court-house and post,-oflice building at; Des Das Moms, omes, Iowa, six thousand eight hundred and fifty-six dollars. {Om, See. 5. That the surn of twenty-five thousand dollars, appropriated by Nxmmlm, act approved March third, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, for the pur- 18W0h_12z_ chime of site, and the erection thereon of a post·oil‘ice and court-house Vol. xv. p. 807. Htl Omaha, Nebilpsika, the same being unexpended, is hereby 1 an reappropriate or said purpose. prgségignipior b 6. That any appropriations lieretofore made for_any public works, gubuc buudinf? dnid ings, or grounds, for the year·eommencing July first, eighteen hunaéifamsde aw- ie and seventy-one, shall be available for the current year: Provided, Pgmw Yllmt no eicpenditure beyond the several sums already appropriated shall ljnuggdsppm. be ¤¤¢h0¤‘lZ6d by this section. And that the appropriation for the pay- mptzglffp me- ment of the salary and travelling expenses of a. special agent of the Ipaéiulnganh Treasury Department, and for the salaries of all supervising inspectors, tpglgiggspitcg of {)°¢¤l _1¤SpGCtp¤‘S, and clerks employed in the administration of the steambe gn Oat llnspccuou laws) under Section of “AD act, nlaking appr} ,,,,E¤ muumn prmtions for sundry civil expenses of the government for the year ending ¤¤;gglb8;cH 292 June thirty, eighteen hundred and seventy-one," approved July fifteen, VOL in- ·p_ 261- eigliieen hundred and seventy, and still remaining unexpended, shall be apofcablenas heretofore, to the payment. of such salaries and expenses unti sufficient reveuue·she.ll accrue mherefor under the provisions of section