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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/981

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CONVENTION. — DENMARK. JULY 20, 1872. 941 Convention between the United States of America and Denmark. Naturalization. Uoncluded July 20, 1872; Ratlfed January 22, 1873; Ratifications exchanged March 14, 1873; Proclaimed April 15, 1873. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Janu¤.ry22,187a A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a convention between the United States of America and His Prenmbre Majesty the King of Denmark, relative to the naturalization of citizens and subjects of the two countries, was concluded and signed at Copenhagen by their respective plenipotentiaries on the twentieth day of July, 1872, the original of which convention, being in the English and Danish languages, is word for word as follows: The United States of America I det (l>iemed· nmrmere at be- Contracting and His Majesty the King of Den- stemme, hvilken statsborgerli Stil- ¥’°"‘°“* mark being desirous to regulate the ling der skal tillaegges danske citizenship of the citizens of the Undersaatter, som ere udvandredb United. States of America who have eller fremtidig maatte udirandre til emigrated, or who may emigrate, de Forenede Stater af Amerika, from the United States of America saavelsom disse Staters Borgere, to the Kingdom of Denmark, and som ere udvandrede eller maatte of Danish subjects who have emi- udvandre til Danmark, have Hans grated, or who may emigrate, from Majestaet Kongen af Danmark og de the Kingdom of Denmark to the Forenede Stater af Amerika beslut- United States of America, have re- tct at indgaae en Convention, og solved to conclude a convention for have derfor udnaevnt til Deres Bethat purpose, and have named as fuldmzegtigede: Hans Majestaet their plenipotentiaries; that is to Kongen af Danmark: Allerhoistsay, the President of the United sammes Udenrigsminister, Kam- States of America: Michael J. merherre Otto Ditlev Baron Rosen- Cramer, minister resident of the orn-Lehn, commandeur nf Danebrog United States of America at Copen- og Danebrogsmand, etc,, etc., etc., hagen; and His Majesty the King og Prazsidenten for de Forenede of Denmark : Otto Ditlev Baron Ro-_ Stater af Amerika Herr Dr. phil. senorn—Lel1n, commander of Dane- Michael J. Cramer, de Forenede brog and Danebrogsmand, cham· Staters Ministerresident i Kj6ben— berlain, His Majesty’s minister for havn, hvilke, efter gjensidig Meddeforeign affairs, &c., &c., &c.; lelse af deres respective Fuldmag- Who, after having communicated ter, som befandtes at vaere i god to each other their respective full og rigtig Form, ere komne overeens powers, found to be in good and om og have afsluttet folgende Artidue form, have agreed upon and kler: concluded the fbllowing articles, to wit: ARTICLE I. Amxxnr. 1. Citizens of the United States of Dansko Undersaatter, der ere YIM; America who have become, or shall blevne eller fremtidig maatte blive gimj armobc become, and are, naturalized, ac- naturaliserede som amerikansketreandasciucording to law, within the King- Borgere i Overeensstemmelse med ¤°¤¤°U’°¤m”k· dom of Denmark as Danish sub- dei de Forenede Stater gjzeldende jects, shall be held by the United Love, skulle af Kongeriget Dan-