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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/982

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942 CONVENTION.-DENMARK. JULY 20, 1872. States of America to he in all re- mark i enhver Henseende og i spects and for all purposes Danish enhver Retnxng ansees som Statsborsubjects, and shall be treated as gere i de Forenede Stater af Amesuch by the United States of rika og behandles som saadanne. America. When Danish In like manner, Danish subjects Paa samme Maade skulle Borgere

l;lt‘;f,*“a”€f9 *’° who have become, or shall become, af de Forenede Stater af Amerika,

gens ey tilgiijeie. and are, naturalized, according to som ere blevne eller fremtidig <—><iSt¤¢¤¤· law, within the United' States of maatte blive naturahserede som America as citizens thereof, shall danske Undersaatter i Overeenshe held by the Kingdom of Den- stemmelse med de i Danmark mark to be in all respects and for giaeldendfe Lglovek af dehliorelnlede all purposes as citizens of the Stater a meri a i en ver en- United States of America, and shall seende og i enhver Retning ansees be treated as such by the Kingdom som danske Undersaatter og beof Denmark. handles som saadanne. ARTICLE H. ARTIKEL 2. Provision as to If any such citizen of the United Dersom en saadan dansk Under ’?§t°;'“{f“l°th6 States, as aforesaid, naturalized saat, der er bleven naturahseret gh;,,r;_i£,;;1¤·y_ within the Kingdom of Denmark som Berger i de Forenede Stater, as a Danish subject, should renew atter tager Ophold 1 Kongeriget his residence in the United States, Danmark,f kgn Hacns Rhlajestaet the United States government Kongen a anmar s egjering,· may, on his application, and on efter hans derom fremsatte Begjaesuch conditions as that govern- ring og paa saadanne Vilkaar, som ment may see iit to impose, read- den maatte finde passende at bemit him to the character and priv- stemme, gjengive ham hans Egenileges of a citizen of the United skab og Rettigheder som dansk States, and the Danish government Undersaat, og de Fo{Ter;edeklStaters shall not in that case claim him as Regjering skal i saa ad i e paa a Danish subject on account of his Grund af hans tidligere Naturaliformer naturalization. sation kunne gjore Paastand paa, at han skal behamlles som Berger af de Forenede Stater. In like manner, if any such Dan- Naar en Borger af I de Forenede ish subject, as aforesaid, naturalized Stater, der i Kongeriget Danmark within the United States as a citizen er bleven naturaliseret som dansk thereof, should renew his residence _Borger atter tager Ophold 1 de within the Kingdom of Denmark, Forenede Stater, kan disses Re- His Majesty’s government may, on gjering ligeledes efter hans derom his application, and on such con- fremsatte Begjaering og paa saaditions as that government may danne Vilkaar, som den maatte think Ht to impose, readmit him to finde passende at bestemme, gjenthe character and privileges of a give ham hans Egenskab og Retggpish subject, png uthet Unjhteid; ggihtider somkaliorger sjadpkgofzczxiie es governmen s a no in r ov s n - case, claim him as a citizexi of the ring {sa: Fald ikke paa·Grund af United States on account of his hans ticlligere Naturalisation kunne former naturalization. gjore Paastand paa, at han skal behandles som dansk Undersaat. A1z·r1oLn III. Anrnznr. 3. Acitizenofone If, however, acitizen of the United Dersom imidlertid en dansk Unf:;"f§;Y£g*:,‘jl“l` States, naturalized in Denmark, shall dersaat, der er bleven naturahseret renewing his Ig! renew his residence in the former i de Forenede Stater, paany Wg0i' idmceinths country without the intent to return Ophold i Danmark uden at have