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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 17.djvu/983

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CONVENTION. ——- DENMARK. JULY 20, 1872. 943 fp that in which he was naturalized, til Hensi t at vende tilba e til de ‘ ‘ g he shall be held to have renounced Forenedeg Stater, skal hah ansees iggigstsggidiy his naturalization. for at have opgivet den dersteds ;;EE,E;£;*]$Q* erhvervede Naturalisation. naturalization. In like manner, if a Dane, natu- Paa samme Maade skal en Berger ralized in the United States, shall af de Forenede Stater, der cr bleven renew his residence in Denmark naturalisereti Danmark, ansees for without the intent to return to the at have opgivet sin erhvervede Nafermer country, he shall be held to turalisation, naar han paany tager have renounced his naturalization in Ophold i de Forenede Stater uden the United States. at have til Hensigt at vende tilbage til Danmark. The intent not to return may be Hensigten til ikke at vende til- Wim, them, held to exist when a person natural- bage skal antages at veere tilstede, P°¤*“•¢f<> return ized in the one country shall reside naar en Person, der er naturaliseret is bmw °°°m‘ more than two years in the other i det enc Land, opholder sig laen country. gere end to Aar i det andet. Anrrenn IV. Arzrnanr. 4. The present convention shall go Nmrvmrende Convention skal _When convey into effect immediately on or after trzede i Kraft umiddelbart ved Ud- 3;*3 §;l;fSi0"f°°&~ the exchange of the ratifieations, vexlingen af Ratifieationerne og continue- g and shall continue in force for ten skal forblive gjaeldende i 10 Aar. years. If neither party shall have Dersom ingen af Parterne 6 Maagiven to the other six months’ pre- neder forinden har tilkjendegivet vious notice of its intention then to den anden sin Hensigt da at ophzeve terminate the same, it shall further Conventionen, forbliver den fremremain in force until the end of deles gjaeldende til Udlobet af 12 twelve months after either of the Maaneder, efterat den 0119 Part har contracting parties shall have given givet den anden denne sin Hensigt notice to the other of such intention. tilkjende. Anrronn V. ARTIKEL 5. The present convention shall be Nmrvaerende Convention skal rati- When to no ratided by the President of the ficeres af Hans Majestsct Kongen '“°‘6*’d· United States of America, by and af Danmark og af Prmsidenten for with the advice and consent of the de Forencde Stater af Amerika med Senate thereof, and by His Majesty Senatets Raad og Samtykke, og the King of Denmark, and the rati- Ratificationerne skulle udvexles 1 fioations shall be exchanged at Kjobenhavn, saasnart som muligt Copenhagen as soon as may be, i Lobet af 8 Maaneder fra Dags within eight months from the date Dato at regne. hereof. _ In witness whereof the respective Til Bekraeftelse heraf have de S1s¤¤¢¤¤>¤ plenipotentiaries have signed the respective Befulmzaegtigede undersame, and have afiixed thereto their tegnet denne Convention og pas.- respective seals trykt samrne deres Segl. Done at Copenhagen, the twen- Givet i Kjobenhavn den 20de Dicth day of July, in the year of Juli i Herrens Aar Ect Tusmde our Lord one thousand eight hun- Otte Hundrede og To og Halvdred and seventy-two. fjerds. __ 7 MICHAEL J. CRAMER. O. D. ROSENORh·L1CHN. __ [snap] [snot.] O. D. ROSENORN-LEHN. MICHAEL J. CRAMLR. [SEAL.] [seen]