A. Accougtts, (coptinued.) 0 osta service rovision c n ' Abandoned and Captured Property, iii) Post-0i‘Hce abi? . . . S. 07m2r9i;)-299 appropriation for clerical services, &c. . 130 See Post-ojtce Department. to collect, &c. 514 provisions concerning, in the postal confor defence of suits against the Sec- vention with Ecuador 880-882 retary of the Treasury for the in postal convention with Great Ab d seizure of 512 Britain , . .., 889 an onrnent, in ostal convention with Denof rights by owners of tunnels, to pos- mgrk .,.. 905, 910 session of certain veins or lodes, what Accrued Pensions. See Pensions. to be deemed . 92 who entitled to receive .. 674 Abatement, Achtley, Joshua H., of internal revenue tax, upon distilled claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 753 spirits in bond, destroyed by casualty, 162 Acids and Acetates, Abbott, Hiel, customs duty on, from August 1, claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 1872 . . 232, 233 Abbott, James D., Actions, claim ot] allowed by commissioners . . 750 removal of certain personal, by aliens Abel, George, against certain civil officers of the payment to, for 1ive—stock . 713 United States, from State courts to Abel, Gem ge F., circuit courts . 44 payment to, for live-stock . 713 to recover money wrongfully collected, Abortion, &c. .. l .. 258 penalty for selling, &c., any drug or See Limitations. medicine to cause unlawful 598 Adair, John B., _ _ or advertising for sale . 598 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 such articles not to be carried in the Adams, George R., mails .. 599 damages awarded to, by commissioners when not to be imported . . 599 of claims .. 691 search warrant to seize . . . 599 Adams, John Quincy, _ _ Absent Defendants, damages awarded to, by commissioners in suits in equity in United States courts, of claims .. 692 to enforce claims upon property with— Adams, Theodore, _ in the district, notice how to be given payment to, of claim ... 713 to, &c. . . , 198 Adams, William H., I Absentee Shawnee Indians, payment to, for live-stock . 713 act to provide homes for, in the Indian Aday, Booz W., _ _ territory . 159, 160 claim of} allowed by commissioners . . 745 allotments to be made to, &c . 160 "Addte Parker, U 7, Academy, Military. See Military Academy. name of the yacht Red Hot changed appropriations for . . . 154-156, 479-481 _ to the _ ... 135 Academy, Naval. See Naval Academy, Addison, Martorz A., _ _ appropriations for 153, 514, 552 claim of, allowed by commissioners . . 741 Accessory after the Fact, Addltfunal B"'"‘l?l¤ , . to any offence against the Postal Laws, time for filing claims for certain, egg 608 punishment for .,.. 319 _ tended . . ... , proceedings as to trial, &c. . . . 319 Addlfionfll Cl€¢‘k5. _ _ _ 6 to robbing carrier of the mail . . 320 in pension office, provisions concerning . 5 Accounts, · appropriation for . . . 8 of officers of the army and navy, act in the census office ... 8 authorizing the settlement of the, ex- appropriation for ._ .. 9 tended ...,... 262 to commissioners of claims . 7