960 INDEX. Aclditfonal Pay, Agriculture, Department ry, to soldiers for last three years of enlist- appropriations for expenses of the . 77, 78, ment 116 368, 369, 506, 529 for reénlistments ... 117 A ds collection of statistics otj &c. . . . 77 forfeiture of .., 117 i , Ad_jntant-Gaz1ei·ttlq/ the Army, in collecting money belonging to and appropriations for office of . . . 79, 500 withheld from the United States, Secfor clerks, &c. .. 79, 500 retary of the Treasury may employ, for contingent expenses of depart- not more than three persons as . . . 69 Ad l ment of the . . . . 259, 500, 544 terms of employment, compensamira , tion, &c. . 69 in the navy, grade oh to be abolished, 418 penal? upon such persons for miswhen, &c ... con act . 69 Adnzirally Causes, Aids to Navifjation, circuit. and district courts of the United appropriation for reéstablishing on south- States, practice, pleadings, and pro· ern coasts .. 127 ceedings in, not affected by, &c. . . 197 Alabama, Advertising, post-roads established in . 25, 100, lOl, 382, for Post-ofnce Department, appropria-586, 587 tions for . 200, 557 representation of, in Congress, accordno part to be paid to any newspaper ing to the ninth census . . . 28, 192 published in the District of Colum- certain lands confirmed to the State of, Amd bia, for, &c., except, &c. . . 200, 557 fordtge use of the Selma, &c., Rail- 15 [wits, roa o. ... 9 in proceedings to obtain patents for right of way grunted to said road, mineral lands, &c., may be verified be- over any public lands in 159 fore whom .. 95 corporators of the Centennial Board of Agent and Assistant A gmts, Finance from . 204 to manage the seal Hsheries in Alaska, provisions concerning the circuit and appointment, pay, &c., of . 35 district courts of the United States in not to be interested in right to take seals, 35 the middle and northern districts dwcllinv-houses for 35 of ... 484, 485 may adlininistcr certain oaths and take Sec Circuit and District Courts. testimony . . . . . . 35 Alabama and Tennessee River Railroad, Agent and Counsel, former land grant to Alabama for the of the United States under the treaty use of, confirmed to the use of the with Great Britain may be continued, Selma, &c., Railroad Co. . 159 but not after, &c. 598 Alabama C/alms. See Great Britain. Agents and Attorneys, to be referred to arbitration . . . . . 863 for prosecuting claims for pensions and treaty provisions concerning . . 863-867 bonnty·land warrants, provisions re- “Alabama," The, spccting, in the revised pension estimated value of} to be paid to the law . . 572, 575 officers and crew of the Kearsarge . 53 Agreements, appropriation 352 powers of consnls, &c., respecting, under Alaska, the treaty with the Austro-Hungarian agent and assistants, to manage the Monarchy .. 826 seal fisheries in S5 under the treaty with the German their pay and travelling expenses . 35 Empire . 926 not to be interested in right to effect of authentication of', by con- take seals 35 suis, &c., as evidence . . 826, 926 dwelling-houses for .. 86 Agreemeniswirlz Seamen, may administer certain oaths and provisions of law concerning . . 264, 265 take testimony ... 35 certain, inoperative 268 laws of the United States relating to form of articles of 278 customs, commerce, and navigation, legible copy ot] to be posted in the ship, 266 extended to ... . . 530 See Sluyaping-Czmmzissioncrs. Albany, N. Y., Agricultural College, fire·proof building to be constructed at, grant to Nevada for, not to fail because, 0 gu the courts and offices of the United 39 &c. . ... 4 tates ... lands given to Oregon for, may be site therefor, to be given to the selected where .. 217, 218 United States ... 39 scrip to Arkansas . . . . 397 cost not to exceed, &c. . 39 to Florida . 397 no money to be expended until, &c., 39 time for the State of Indiana to provide appropriation for building for customone extended ... 397, 398 house, posqoflice, &c., at 353 Agricultural Calle-g<·s, to purchase site for government time of complying with provisions of act building at 523 granting public lands to States for, the city, &c., to purchase the rest &c., extended ... 416, 417 of the ground necessary . . 523 Agrlcnl/uml Lands, “Albemm·le," The Rvlicl Ram, certain, may be entered in less quantity appropriation to pay the captors of . . 405 than thrty acres for homestead or pre- "All»pmm·le," T lee-, emption purposes ... 94 prize case of, to be recxamined, &c. . . 649
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