DENMARK, 1826. 169 Anrrcra VII. .Tl10,UDlt€d States and His Danish Majesty mutually agree that no Internnltaxos. higher or other duties, charges, or taxes of any kind shall be levied in the territories or dominions of either party, upon any personal property, money, or effects of their respective citizens or subjects, on the removal of the same from their territories or dominions reciprocally, either upon the inheritance of such property, money, or effects, or otherwise, than are or shall be payable in each State upon the same, when removed by a citizen or subject of such State, respectively. Aarrorn VIII. To make more effectual the protection which the United States and Consuls and vice- His Danish Majesty shall afford in future to the navigation and com- °°“S“1“- merce of their respective citizens and subjects, they agree mutually to [$°" “d‘lm°""l receive and admit Consuls and Vice-Consuls in all the ports open to ;`{?°;$g’]18°1’ PP' foreign commerce, who shall enjoy in them all the rights, privileges, and` immunities of the Consuls and Vice-Consuls of the most favoured nation, each contracting party, however, remaining at liberty to except those ports and places in which the admission and residence of such Consuls may not seem convenient. Aurrorm IX. _ In order that the Consuls and Vice—Consuls of the contracting parties P*iV*l¤8<>¤°¤"<>°¤· may enjoy the rights, privileges, and immunities which belong to them ""1“*&°‘ by their public character, they shall, before entering on the exercise of their functions, exhibit their commission or patent in due form to the Government to which they are accredited; and having obtained their exequatur, which shall be granted gratis, they shall be held and considered as such by all the authorities, magistrates, and inhabitants in the consular district in which they reside. Asrrorn X. It is likewise agreed that the Consuls and persons attached to their E¤<¤¤¤P*i°¤¤ 0 f necessary service, they not being natives of the country in which the °"““’“l‘“` °m°“"‘ Consul resides, shall be exempt from all public service, and also irom all kind of taxes, imposts, and contributions, except those which they shall be obliged to pay, on account of commerce, or their property, to which inhabitants, native and foreign, of the country in which such Consuls reside, are subject, being in everything besides subject to the laws of the respective States. The archives and papers of the consulate shall be respected inviolably, and under no pretext whatever shall any magistrate seize or in any way interfere with them. Aarronn XI. The present convention shall be in force for ten years from the date Duration of conhcrcof, and further until the end of one year after either of the contract- "°“°‘°“· ing parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to ter- V minute the same, each of the contracting parties reserving to itself the 1;,] " ’I` right of giving such notice to the other at the end of the said term of ten years; and it is hereby agreed between them that, on the expiration of one year after such notice shall have been received by either, from the other party, this convention, and all the provisions thereot, shall altogether cease and determine. Aarrons XII. This convention shall be approved and ratified by the President of R¤¤i*l¢=¤***‘¤¤· the United States, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate thereof, and by His Majesty the King of Denmark, and the ratiiicatxons
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