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17 () PUBLIC TREATIES. shall be exchanged in the city of Copenhagen witlgiu eight mouths from the date of the signature hereof, cr sooner 1i' possible. Signatures. In faith whereof, we, the Plcu1p0tems1a.r1es of the United States of America, and of His Danish Majesty, have signed and sealed these presents. Dam. Done in triplicate, my the mty of Washington, 0¤ the twentzysixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hqndred and twenty-six, in the fiftieth year of the Independence of the United States of America. H. CLAY. PB. PEDERSEN. Addendum. ADDENDUM. Mr. Clay to Mr. Pedersen. Dnmmmtsr or Srnrz,

 Washington, April 25 1826.

Claims of United The undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, by direction of the Presi- Stntes foriudemni— dent thereof, has the honour to state to Mr. Pedersen, Minister Resident of His Matics not waived. jcsty the King of Denmark, that it would have been satisfactory to the Government of the United States if Mr. Pedersen had been charged with instructions, in the ueg0tiation which has just terminated, to treat of the indcmuities to citizens of the United States, in consequence of the seizure, detention, and condemnation of their property in the ports of His Danish Majesty; But as he has no instructions to that eifect, the undersigned is directed, at and before proceeding to the signature of the treaty of friendship, commerce, and navigation on which they have agreed, explicitly to declare, that the omission to provide for those indemnities is not ereafter to be interpreted as u waiver or abandonment of them by the Government of the United States, which, on the contrary, is firmly resolved to persevere in the pursuit of them until they shall be finally arranged upon principles of equity and justice. And, to guard against any misconception u the fact of the silence of the treaty in the above particular or of the views of the American Government, the undersigned requests that Mr. Pedersen will transmit this officml dcclarzmon to the Government of Denmark. And he avsils himself of this occasion to tender to Mr. Pedersen assurances of his distinguished consideration. Th C1 l_ 1) ‘ H. CLAY. e eva ner mumsmv, Minister Resident from Danmark. The Chevalier Peter Pedersen to Mr. Clay. Wssmxcrron April 25 1826. The undersigned, Minister Resident of His Majesty the King of lacumarkfhas the honour herewith, to acknowledge having received Mr. Clsy’s nQcisl note of this day, declsrstory of the advanced clainis against Denmark not being waived on the rt of the United States liy the conyentiqn agreed upon and about to be signed, whiegluotc lie, as requested, will transmit to his Government. And he avails himself of this occasion to renew to Mr. Clay assurances of his distinguished consideration. To the Hon. Hmumr CLAY, - P. PEDERSER Secretary of State of the United Statoa. DENMARK, 1830. March 28, 1830. CLAIMS CONVENTION WITH DENMARK CONCLUDED PENHAGEN _Q_ £*fé“f¥*£3“·éE‘§éi%饧"€$§L°§ ‘P8§5SE§?r¥§?E"$"`E Mg §‘?‘*’°‘” "‘“"é . ;CA ION ‘D A' WASHINGTON JUNE 5, HBO; PROCLAIMED JUNE 5, 183%. EXCHANGL Uonveshbn between the United States of America and His Majesty the Kang of Denmark, signed at Copenhagen the 28th of March; 1830.

£ c¤tr:•cting par- T}16 United Sbuies of America mid His Majesty the King of Denmark,

being equally desiroqs of terminating the discussions which have taken Iilace lyetsween them ip respect to the claims and preteusions formed by tngepmeens of the United States and the subjects of Denmark, having for t enr object the seizure, deteut;10n,c0udcuin:mti0u, or couliscution of their