ITALY, *1871. 439 ITALY, 1871. TREATY OF COMMERCE AND NAVIG T g , ~ » . z . OF matt in ms Mmm ‘l—»{3“K¥§§%’é—EPi—}€% ‘a§§“3i‘t3£tT§£ FLOR.1-ACE FEBRUAIQY 26, _1é71; RATIFICATION ADVISED BY SENATE $§tlt§tt*5‘AM?s‘§I‘%?%O$“’i%€Ei’i£t“’R‘L 29- ***7* *‘"’*"“"*°¥S WEBER 23, 1871. . I t . I R 1s, 1871 , PROCLAIMED LO- Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and the Kingdom of Italy. The United States of America and His Majesty the King of Italy, ,C°¤‘¤*°°**'*8 P"' desiring to extend and facilitate the relations of commerce and naviga— ms' tion between the two countries, have determined to conclude n treaty for that purpose, and have named as their respective Plenipotentia— ries: The United States of America, George Perkins Marsh, their Envoy N°S°*i¤*°¤· Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary near His Majesty the King of Italy ; and His Majesty the King of Italy, the Noble Emilio Visconti Venosta, Grand Cordon of his Orders of the Saints Maurice and Lazarus, and of the Crown of Italy, Deputy in Parliament, and his Minister Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs; And the said Plenipotentiaries, having exchanged their full powers, found in good and due form, have concluded and signed the following articles: Anrrcmt I. There shall be between the territories of the high contracting parties 1;,,.,5,,.-,,.;,,1155.,;-ty a reciprocal liberty of commerce and navigation. of commerce and Italian citizens in the United States, and citizens of the United States ¤'*"’K°**°°- in Italy, shall mutually have liberty to enter with their.ships and cargoes all the ports of the United States and of Italy, respectively, which may be open to foreign commerce. They shall also have liberty to sojourn and reside in all parts whatever of said territories. They shall Rights of r B si . enjoy, respectively, within the States and possessions of each party, the dence, &¤- same rights, privileges, favors, immunities, and exemptions for their commerce and navigation as the natives of the country wherein they reside, without paying other or higher duties- or charges than are paid by the natives, on condition of their submitting to the laws and ordinances there prevailing. War vessels of the two Powers shall receive in their respective ports 8l¤i1•¤ of WM- the treatment of those of the most favored nations. Anrrcnn H. The citizens of each of the high contracting parties shall have liberty Right to travel to travel in the States and territories of the other, to carry on trade, ““d °""Y°“ °”‘d°· wholesale and retail, to hire and occupy houses and warehouses, to employ agents of their choice, and generally to do anything incident to or necessary for trade, upon the same terms as the natives of the country, submitting themselves to the laws there established. Anrrcm: III. The citizens of each of the high contracting parties shall receive, in sammy to perthe States and Territories of the other, the most constant protection and ¤¤¤¤ ¤¤d1>¤>r¤f¤y· security for their persons and property, and shall enjoy in this respect the same rights and privileges as are or shall be granted to the natives, on their submitting themselves to the conditions imposed upon the natives. They shall, however, be exempt in their respective territories from exemption from compulsory military service, either on land or sea, in the regular forces, 2 ¤ hwry svrvrcm or in the national guard, or .in the militia. They shall likewise be ex- °*
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