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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/447

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440 PUBLIC TREATIES. empt from any judicial or municipal office, and from any contribution whatever, in kind or in money, to be levied in compensation for personal services. Anriomu IV. Erpbnrzo cr de- The citizens of neither of the contracting parties shall be liable, in

  • °“*'°°· the States or territories of the other, to any embargo, nor shall they be

detained with their vessels, cargoes, merchandise, or edects, for any military expedition, nor for any public or private purpose whatsoever, without allowing to those interested a sufficient indemnification previously agreed upon when possible. Anriomr. V. Im rtstion into The high contracting parties agree that whatever kind of produce, §l¤¤ lgglfell Stem manufactures, or merchandise of any foreign country can be from time “‘ I"“l'°“'°"°1'· to time lawfully imported into the United States, in their own vessels, may be also imported in Italian vessels; that no other or higher duties upon the tonnage of the vessel or her cargo shall be levied and collected, whether the importation be made in vessels of the one country or of the other; and, in like manner, that whatsoever kind of produce, manufactures, or merchandise of any foreign country can be from time Importation into to time lawfully imported into Italy in its own vessels, may be also im· Itely in v¤¤¤•·l¤ vf ported in vessels of the United States, and that no higher or other ."’° U'""°d S"**°’· duties upon the tonnage of the vessel or her cargo shall be levied and collected, whether the importation be made in vessels of the one country Equality in ox- or of the other; and they further agree that whatever may be lawfully P°’°°*"°"°· exported and re-exported from the one country, in its own vessels, to any foreign country, may in the like manner be exported or re-exported in the vessels of the other country, and the same bounties, duties, and drawbacks shall be allowed and collected, whether such exportation or re-exportation be made in vessels of the United States or of Italy. Anrxcnn VI. Equality or an- No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into tics on producto of the United States of any articles, the produce or manufactures of Italy, °'*"°" °°‘“""Y· and no higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into Italy of any articles, the produce or manufactures of the United States, than are or shall be payable on the like articles, being the produce or the manufactures of any other foreign country; nor shall any other or higher duties or charges be imposed, in either of the two countries, on the exportation of any articles to the United States or to Italy,`respectively, than such as are payable on the exportation of the like articles to any foreign country, nor shall any prohibition be imposed on the importation or the exportation of any articles the produce or manu- _lQquality of pro- fhctures of the United States or of Italy, to or from the territories of l¤lb¤¤<>¤¤· the United States, or to or from the territories of Italy, which hall not equally extend to all other nations. Anrrcnn VII. Vessels unladlng Vessels of the United States `arriving at a port of Italy, and, recipl>¤¤l*<>f ¤¤S°~ rocally, vessels of Italy arriving at a port of the United States may proceed to any other port of the same country, and may there discharge such part of their original cargoes as may not have been discharged at coasting trade. the port where they first arrived. It is, however, understood and agreed that nothing contained in this article shall apply to the coastwise navigation, which each of the two contracting parties reserves exclusively to itself