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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 2c.djvu/448

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ITALY, 1871. 44] Anrrotm VIII. The following shall be exempt from paying tonnage, anchorage and Certain vessels clearance duties in the respective ports: ° exempt from um- 1st. Vessels entering in ballast, and leaving again in ballast from "°g° d"ti°°’&°‘ whatever port they may come. ’ 2. Vessels passing from a port of either of the two States into one or more ports of the same State, therein to discharge a part or all of their cargo, or take in or complete their cargo, whenever they shall furnish proof of having already paid the aforesaid duties. 3. Loaded vessels entering a port either voluntarily or forced from stress of weather, and leaving it without having disposed of the whole or part of their cargoes, or having therein completed their cargoes. No vessel of the one country, which may be compelled to enter a port What v¤¤¤¤l¤ ¤¤i= of the other, shall be regarded as engaging in trade if it merely breaks °°“”"1‘?"°d ‘“ °“‘ bulk for repairs, transfers her cargo to another vessel on account of g°g°dmI°md°' unseaworthiness, purchases stores, or sells damaged goods for re-exportation. It is, however, understood that all portions of such damaged goods destined to be sold for internal consumption shall be liable to the payment of chstoms duties. Anrionn IX. When any vessel belonging to the citizens of either of the contracting Wrcckcd and parties shall be wrecked, foundered, or shall suffer any damage, on the ‘]"·""‘¤°d '°°°°]“· coasts or within the dominions of the other, there shall be given to it all assistance and protection in the same manner which is usual and customary withethe vessels of the nation where the damage happens, permitting them to unload the said vessel, if necessary, of its merchandise and effects, and to reload the same, or part thereof, paying no duties whatsoever but such as shall he due upon the articles left lor consumption. Anxious X. Vessels of either of the contracting parties shall have liberty, within C¤‘°“'¤ *`°' "°¤¤°l¤· the territories and dominions of the other, to complete their crew, in order to continue their voya e, with sailors articled in the country, provided they submit to the local regulations and their enrolment be voluntary. ARTICLE XI. All ships, merchandise, and effects belonging to the citizens of one of &;P*¤*‘¤¤ by P¤· the contracting parties, which may be capturc}1 by pirates, whether m ‘ " within the limits of its jurisdiction or on the high seas, and may be carried or found in the rivers, roads, bays, ports, or dominions of the other, shall be delivered up to the owners, they proving, in due and proper form, their rights before the competent tribunals; it being well understood that the claim should be made within the term of one year, by the parties themselves, their attorneys, or agents of the respective Governments. Aivrronn XII. The high contracting parties agree that, in the unfortunate event of Pwperty ¤ft§¤=¤i— a war between them, the private property of their respective citizens 2g;:r:‘°“‘P“ ’°“‘ and subjects, with the exception of contraband of war, shall be exempt ' from capture or seizure, on the high seas or elsewhere,_by the armed vessels or by the military forces of either party; it being understood that this exemption shall not extend to vessels and their cargoes which may attempt to enter a port blockaded by the naval forces of either party.