FORTYJJTH IBD CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 474, 4.75, 476. · 1874. 275 · owned or controlled, or in any manner to interfere with any right or N¢>*>.V> i¤*¤¤‘*`¤*¤ privilege heretofore granted to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Com- gig; 0mm; pany by their charters, or amendments thereto, without the consent of Em, and Ohio said Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company and its lessees is iirst had and bgoni Company. obtained: And provided further, that said Washington City and Point _D°P°F °° °°*¤b· Lookout Railroad Company shall establish a depot at some point in $::*5 ‘“ °°°'¥°' Georgetown on Water street, between Rock Greek and the Aqueduct, · Bridge; And provided further that said Washington City and Point ` Lookout Railroad Company shall construct its railroad in the county of _ _ . Washington herein authorized so that wherever it shall cross any public ofR\§:,;‘;Q,‘§;;’:;‘“:{ road .11: shall cross the same by an overgrade or undergrade crossing, by mss ,,,,,,1,,, ,.0,,,;, by bridge or tunnel, so as not to impede public travel upon said roads, and overgrnde or undershall construct that part of said railroad along Rock Creek in the valley 8****- M- of said creek, passing west of the P-street bridge, by a tunnel through mT“Qf)Q}d";“° °f P' the bill west of said P-street bridge; and said road-crossings and said °° K ' tunnel shall be located, and constructed in accordance with plans and Pinus and specifispecifications to be first approved iuwriting by the engineer in charge <=¤*i<>¤¤ W b¢ ¤P· of public buildings and grounds. , P’°"°d· Sec. 2. That the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company shall have Baltimore and the right to use the tracks of said Washington City and Point Lookout 0]**0 R¤“¤>¤d C¤¤¤· Railroad Company to be laid under the provisions of this act from the },’,Q:‘c{,:°bgQ;g0g“%eQf intersection of the same with the Metropolitan branch of the baltimore tain Poms_ and Ohio Railroad Company to the city of Georgetown upon such reasonable terms as may be agreed upon or Congress prescribe. SEO. 3. This act may be altered, amended, or repealed at any time ¢*-<=*¤**hY b<>¤l*¤*¤<l» and all rights and privileges herein conveyed to said Company shall ;’:j:g° · °’° ' cease and determine unless the said Company complete its road hereby Rggih, to 0,,,,,0 authorized to Georgetown with at least one truck within three years unites me built from the passage of this act. ********4* *1****** 5****- Approved, June 23, 187 4. CHAP. 475.-An act to declare the brid e across the Nia ara River, authorized b the J¤¤¤ 23. U574- uct of Congress, approved, June thiriaetli, eighteen Euudred and seyeniiy, ayp0st—TB7U,cb. 176, vol. Youth- xvi, 173. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the modification in the Bridge across plans of the bridge authorized by the act approved on the thirtietli day Nlvcmx RiV¤¤‘·_ oi' June, eighteen hundred and seventy, as stated in the report of the t,,g‘;‘"'£“ ‘}‘;]‘;‘“;“j board of engineers of the War Department, dated February seventh, Pm,,,,,, P P eighteen hundred and seventy-one .are hereby approved; and said _ bridge as constructed is hereby declared to be a lawful structure, and Brides <i<><>l¤r¤<i ¤ un established post-route for the mail of the United States. `P°““"°"“°· Approved, June 23, 1874. CHAP. 476.-An act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to suspend work upon ___June 23, 1874. the public buildings. ` Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Amerielayin Congress assembled, That theSecretary of the Treas- T£°,,:f,‘;$“§,,,‘;,f SEQ: ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to defer operations on 1,.,,,;; work gn pur,- any public buildings that are authorized by existing laws but not acm- nc buildings not scully commenced, or to proceedwith the same, as may, in his opinion, be *******27 °°”””°”°°d· 1'orthe best interests of the public service: Provided, That all moneys Unexpended miheretofore appropriated for the construction of public buildings and now ;l'{°°° '*“Q*;*}"° “";. remaining to the credit of the same on the books of the Treasury De- ,,f,,,,,;°mp ° '°° ° partment, or which may hereafter be appropriated for such buildings, shall remain available until the completion of the work for which they are, or may be, appropriated; and upon the final completion of each or any of said buildings, and the payment of all outstanding liabilities thereior, the balance or balances remaining shall be immediately cov- l_zh,E0“Trb:;·:°Y‘ ered into the Treasury ° q`