Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/306

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· 276 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. CH: 476, 477, 478. 1874, Selection or sites Sec. 2. That in the selection of a sire for any public building not yet T0!' P¤bU° buildings- commenced, reference shall be had to the interest and convenience of the S t r` Ofhéas, public, as well us to the-best interests of the Government 5 and the See. m·yec;$¤:;· yset aside retary of the Treasury shall lismye power, and it shell be his duty, to ect scleotion,wheu. aside any selection which in his opinion has not been made solely with No expeuditureou reierence thereto. No expenditure shall be made upon any building, ai _ b¤i1di¤s¤¤¤ii1¤<>¤¤· site for which has been selected, und work upon which hes uoirbeeu ` ¤*i“°l°¤°*‘ “"‘° “°Y omm need until such of the persons who acted as commissioners in se. lected site files ntii-C ; 8 7 . . f th T dum that he is ,,0, lecting such site shell-make and file with the Secretaryo e reasury interested. , an oath or anirmation that he is not at the tune of making the eilidevit, , ·and was not at the date of making the selection of such site, directly or indirectly interested in the property selected for the same, and a. sumlar affidavit shall be mode anditiled ·by each end every person hereaiter . _ » appointed as sucheommissioner, before any site shizllbe iinally axlopted, Failure to file uml ln either case a. failure on the port of any commissioner to make and ‘l“"“’ "93€1°" ""1°°‘ file such an`efhdavit_sbe.H render the selection vo1d. , tl},?` vm· _ Approved, June 23, 1874. · 4 June 23, 1874. CHAP.` 477.-An act to change thename of the schooner "Delma.r." _ Be-it enacted by the `Senate dnd_Ho·u,se of Representatives of the United Name of schooner States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- ‘i‘Pf.*'”“!"’I;h““$$‘1 ury be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to change the name of °° Ad°h° wr}" the schooner “Delma,r" to “Addie Henry,” and grant u new register to . . · the same. . Approved, June 23, 1874. · June 23, IH74. CHAP, 478.-An act fo confirm the purchase of u. portion of the site of Fort Houston

  • "‘_* at Nashville, Tennessee, and to provide for the donation nf the same to the Fisk

. · University for `educnitionel urposes; also to couiirm in the purchase of certain land ‘ _ at Fort Hamilton, New Yor1¥.· · · Be it enacted by the Senate and Houseof Représcntatives of the United }’¤i·¤l·¤¤¤_ vi cer- States of America» in Oongress assembled, That the purchase by the United $*;*hL*¤€r;;u§S?£‘ States, on the twentydirst day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty- c0um,m;d_ -rlye, from Russell Hou ton, of certain lend consisting of about three ` · · ~ nn;} one fourth acres, situate in the city of Nashville Tennessee, with the buildings thereon standing, and being the same premises described in a. deed of said date from said Houston to the Chief Engineer of the Army, in trust for the United States, recorded in book thirty-tive, page two hundred and forty-one, in the registers office of Davidson County, Tennessee, be, and the same hereby is, ratified, sanctioned, end confirmed, so that the said purchase, and the said deed thereupon exe- _ cuted, shall have the same legal validity and edeet as if the same had _ been by a. previous act of Congress specifically authorized. T£¤t tiib; {lol}- SE0r10N 2. That the Secretary of War be and he hereby is, authorzz]-}my_° S m' ized and directed to grant and convey to the Fisk University of NuSh· , _ ville Tennessee, all the right, title, interest and estate of the United P¤>V¤¤<>¤; States in end to said- tract of land for educational purposes: Provided ‘ " That no further expense relative thereto shall be incurred by the United ' States: And provided further, Thnt the trustees of the said Fisk University be, and they are hereby, authorized to sell and dispose of the ubovedescribed property at their discretion, and to use the proceeds elseyvghere for educational purposes in connection with the said Fisk Universi y. . t P¤rf1¤¤g<> if 19: Smcrron 3. Thet the purehese, by order of the executive department, Qfm ffto if Ngw under an authority supposed to be conferred by the eet of February york, ,,(,,,,,m{,,d_ twentieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-_two, making appropriations for xidiS2§4e3h. 2s, vol. the construction, and so forth, of certmn fortineutious, and so forth, of