FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. ‘ Sess. I. BES. S, 9,10,11. 187 4. 287 the_brigenti11e,"‘ Scotland," of Portland, Maine, wrecked in a. tempestuous see. in mid-ocean.I g . ° ‘ · t Approved, April 27,.1874.. [No. 9.] Joint resolution authorizing the President to issue army rations and clothing ·M°•Z mi 1874- _ . _ to the destitute people on the Tombigbe9,.Warxior, and Alabama rivers. . Resolved by the Senate and House of Rqrrerentattves of the United `States ‘ of America, in Oonylreea assembled, That the President be, and he is here- m}:g“§ g*`d*f,'f;{" "ji hy, authorized in is discretion to direct the issue of army rations, and clothing to d,,,,,:,?,, clothing of patterns not now issued to the army, to the starving and des- people on the Tomti tnte people on the Tombigbee, Warrior, and Alabama rivers, who have l>izb¤¢- W MU 0 ¤‘» bfeen_5endered_ destitute hy the inundation of their homes in the valleys ““d M“b““’“ "“'“”· o said rivers. · _ Approved, Mny 28, 1874. ' [No. 10.3 Joint resolution providing for the termination of the treaty between the June 17, 1874. Unite States and His Majesty the Kin of the Belgium, concluded at Washington, _"°"""` "‘—" July seventeenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-eight.* Whereas, it is provided by the seventeenth article of the treaty be- P¤>¤¤¤i3l¤· tween the United States of America, on the one part, and His Meiesty 10};]* **'·Pl’· 1°°8· the King of the Belgians, on the other Bart, concluded et Washington ' on the seventeenth day of July anno omiui eighteen hundred and fifty-eight that “ the pre ent treaty shall be in iorce during ten years from the date of the exchange of the ramications, mid until the expiration of twelve months after either of the high contracting parties shall have announced to the other its intention to terminate the operation · thereof, each party reserving to itself the right of making such declaration to the other at the end of the ten yours above mentioned, and it is 'zz greed that, after the expiration of the twelve months prolongation ao- ‘ corded on both sides, this treaty and all its stipulations shall eeasoto be · in force ;” and · V . - Whereas, it is no longer for the interest of the United States to con: tinue the said treaty, in force: Thereiore, Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States '1`erminu t { o n or · of America. in Congress assembled, Thntnotioe be given of the terminn- *h¤ ******5* WM Bel tion of said treaty according to the provisions of the said seventeenth gi;"' id t t - article thereof for such termination, and the President of the United mmff(fmf‘;0,&,f"m‘ States is hereby authorized to communicate such notice to the Govern- , ' mont of the Kingdom of Belgium. _ · . Approved, June 17, 1874. ~ [No. 11.] Joint resolution authorizing the issue of clothing to certain enlidsed men of Juno 19, 1874. tho Army. _ _ · ‘ ¤ Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Represe»ztn.t£ves of the United . ~ _ States of America, in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, wI¤:;f;_9f °*°{~T*l¤;g · und he is hereby, authorized to issue to the enlisted men of company 1, mm of tj; ,‘ff.‘u:,_ second regiment United States Cavalry; company H, ninth regiment United,Sta.tes Infantry; and Company E, third regiment United States Cavalry, clothing in lieu` of, and equal in amount to, that lost by them or rendered unfit for further use by their eiforts to extinguish and prevent the spread. of the fire which occurred nt Fort Sanders, Wyoming _.Territ0ry, on the twenty-third day of April, eighteen hundred and sev-·. entyfthree, as shown andiecommended in the report of the board ot; survey convened under special order numbered dftyrine, headquarters - Fort Sanders, Wyoming Territory, of date of April twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and seventythree. - _· ‘ · ~ - ’ Approved, June 19, 1874. ·’