FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Srzss. H. C1!. 130. 1875. ‘ 401 day of election, aud whose constitution must be amended in order to eifect so change in the day of the election of State officers in said State. Sm:. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, t Og? “’°1Q*h’* PW; authorized to pay, when discharged one months pay to such clerks and jerk? ° a fg °` employees in the Executive Departments in Washington, D. 0., as shall ` be discharged at the close of the present fiscal year, without fault 011 their part, but by reason of the redqctious made necessary by the 1egislation of the present session of Congress: Provided, That the amount Prvviw paid under this section shall be deducted from the salary of any person receiving the same who shall be reappointed within six months of the date of uch discharge ; and so much money as is necessary is hereby appropriated. Sec. 8. That in any action now pending, or which may be brought Autms against ‘ agiinst any person for or on account of anything done by him while an °*“°°" °f °“‘ o cer of either House of Congress in the discharge of his odicial duty, g""' in executing any order of such House, the district attorney for the district within which the action is brought, cu being thereto requested by the officer sued, shall enter an appearance in behalf of such officer; and pmvisms M, - all provisions of the eighth section of the act: of July twenty-eighth, pliqable of 1866. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, entitled “An act to protect the revenue, C; 29*% S- 8: V-14: and for other purposes," and also all provisions of the section of former p‘ 328‘ acts therein referred to, so far as the same relate to the removal of suits, ‘ the withholding of executions, and the paying of judgments against revenue or other officers of the United States, shall become applicable to such action and to all proceedings and matters whatsoever connected iherewibh, and the defense of such action shall thenccforth be conducted under the supervision and direction of the Attorney General. Sec. 9. That the Secretary of State shall cause the statutes at large Sub vf S*»v—¤¤¤<->¤ enacted by each Congress, which shall be edited and printed pursuant °°1Ié,j“;€°· 313 7 to the provisions of section seven of the acts entitled ‘•An acu for pub- 9 a,,,G*{§4 *““‘ * licatiou of the Revised Statutes and the laws of the United States," ’ ’ apprwcd June twentieth eighteen hundred and seventy-four,m be stereotyped and offered for safe in the same manner and on the same terms as is provided in and by section nine of said act herein mentioned iu respect to the laws of each session of Congress. That the provisions of section two of the act entitled “Au act providing for the distvibu- tion of the Revised Sta.tutes,” approved February eighteenth, eighteen 1g9i9D11g2t10E gf hundred and seventy-five, shall apply to the statutes at large enacted by 3z9°;§‘mgQ;°’gQ;§j each Congress and to the laws of each session of Oongres , no be pub- mm lished pursuant to said act; of June DWCI1$i6'bh,'0ighU06X1 hundred and seventyfour, in the same manner as if specially mentioned therein. That Printing a n d the Congressional Printer be, and he is hereby directed, in causing to be binding, printed and bound an edition of the laws at the close of the session for che use of the Senate and the House of Representatives, to print the same from the stereotype plates of the edition prepared under the direction of the Department of State, with the index thereof; and so much of the §<‘£4»¤- 15%*- 13, act entitled “An act D0 expedite and regulate the printing of public docu- P· ‘ ments, and for other purp0ses," approved June twenty-iifch, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as requires the preparation of an alphabetical index, under the direction of the Joint Committee on Pri11tiug,‘be and 3. s.,;, 2689, P. the same is hereby, repealed. 532. amended- SEO. 10. That section two thousand six hundred and eighty-eight of the Compensation or Revised Statutes of the United States be amended by inserting ab the ¤¤fV<>y¤f¤ ¤1` •=¤¤- end thereof as follows: “That hereafter the maximum compensation of ‘°"‘*· each surveyor of customs, performing the duties of collectors of cus— toms, shall be five thousand dollars a. year, out of any and all fees aud 1 R;i>g¤¤§>*é¤1§ 60*; * emoluments by him received!' 3bé', i, 7;;;, '* “ SEO. 11. Thats the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, at ’ ‘ ‘ such times as may be necessary, for the purpose of obtaining bqnds for the sinking-fund, in compliance with sections three thousand six hundred aud ninety-four to three thousand six hundred and ninety-sevep, inclusive, of the Revised Smtutes of the United States, to give public Vol. 18, pb. 3-26