400 FORTYLPHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 130. 1875, be experts; and it shall be the duty of said board to convene at the earliest practicable moment, at such place as may be designated by the President, for the purpose of determining, by actuahtests, the strength and value of all kinds of iron, steel and other metals which may be submitted to them or by them procured, and to prepare tables which will exhibit the strength and value of said materialsfor constructive ‘ and mechanical purposes, and to provide for the building of a suitable Proviso. machine for establishing such tests: Provided, That no officers in the pay of the Government shall be 'entitled to, or receive, any additional Compensation. compensation by reason of any services rendered in connection with S,,,,,m,.,,_ this board; but one of the civil experts shall act as secretary of the board, and shall be entitled, under this act to such compensation as the proviso. President may deem proper and tit: Provided, That not more than fifteen thousand dollars of the sum herein provided shall be used for the EXP°“"* expenses of such board. Participatioii of Sec. 5. To enable the Executive Departments of the Government Executive Depart- and the Smithsonian Institution to participate in the International Ex- ‘“°'?” Md $““Fb‘ hibition of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, the following sums are ?§“{:;“, 3.2;,2;;;,0,3 hereby appropriated, namely: For the Interior Department, one hun- Exhibition. dred and fifteen thousand dollars; for the Treasury Department, five thousand dollars; for the Post-Office Department ive thousand dollars; for the Agricultural Department, fifty thousand dollars ; for the Smithsonian Institution, sixty-seven thousand dollars ; for the United States Commission of Food-Fishes, five thousand dollars; for the War Department, one hundred and thirty-three thousand dollars; for the Navy Department, one hundred thousand dollars; for show-cases, shelving, stationery, postage, telegrams, expressage, and other necessary incidental expenses, twentyfive thousand dollars ; in all, five hundred and five thousand dollars; to be disbursed under the direction of the board on Executive Departments appointed in pursuance of the presidential order of January twenty-third, eighteen hundred and seventy-four. And authority is hereby given to the heads of the several Executive Departments to display at the International Exhibition of eighteen hundred and seventy-six, under such conditions as they may prescribe, subject to the provisions of section seven of the act of June first, eighteen hundred and seventy-two, all such articles in store or under the control of _ said Departments as may be necessary or desirable to render such col- P*°“S°· lection complete and exhaustive: Provided, That should it become _ Erection ofhuiid- necessary to erect any building or part of a building for said exhibition, ¤¤g¤· on the part of the Government, the same shall be paid for, pro rata, out of the sums appropriated to the several Departments, the United States Commission of Food-Fishes and the Treasury and Post-Office Departments excepted, the cost of the building not to exceed one hundred and fifty thousand dollars; and at the close of the exhibition, said building _ shall be sold and the proceeds covered into the Treasury as miscella- Pmvisv- neous receipts: And provided further, That the sums hereby appropriated shall cover the entire expense to which the United States Government shall be subjected on account of said exhibition, except the sum appropriated in this act for printing the certificates of stock of said Limitation on exhibition; and the board on Executive Departments is forbidden to “‘i"""l”“”°“· expend any larger sum than is set down herein for each Department, or to enter into any contract or engagement that shall result in any such increased expenditure; and no money shall be taken by any Depart- _ ment for the purposes of this exhibition as aforesaid from any other P*°"*¤°- appropriations except the one hereby made: And jarther provided, ’ That of the sum hereby appropriated the sum of two hundred thousand dollars shall be immediately available. mggigh 2% P- 5i Sec. 6. That section twenty-Eve of the Revised Statutes prescribing ‘ the time for holding elections for Representatives to Congress, is hereby modified so as not to apply to any State that has not yet changed its