Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/485

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FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 133. 1875. 455 For manufacture of metallic ammunition for small arms, seventy-five _K¤¤=T1i¤ ammutlnousand dollars. ¤m¤¤· For overhauling, cleaning; and preserving new ordnance stores on or¤¤v·¤<>¤ stores hand at the arsenals, fifty thousand dollars. in **”°¤°-1¤· For repairing ordnance and ordnance stores in the hands of troops Repairing ordaud for issue at the arsenals and depots, twenty-ive thou and dollars. ”‘*“°° "*’°’°°· For saddle:-tools, smiths’ tools and materials, tool bags, cavalry Too1s,&¤. forges, with their tools and materials, for the cavalry service, twenty thousand dollars. — For purchase and manufacture of ordnance stores, to till requisitions Purchase and of troops, and for alteration of carriages new in use in sea coast forts, “"*““f‘*°*‘ “" ° ° f one hundred thousand `dollars. °“1““"°° ‘it°""°· For infa.ntry, cavalry, and artillery equipments, consisting of valises, Equipments. harversacks, eanteeus, and great coetstraps, and for re-covering cavalry saddles with leather, and of manufacture of saddle bags, and repairing horse equipments/for cavalry troops, one hundred thousand dollars. For manufacture at national armories of the new model breech- · M=¤¤¤f¤¢¢¤¤> ¤f loading musket end_ca.rbine, adopted for the military service on recom- f;°d°Q":§°f"§“d& mendetiou of the board of officers convened under act of June sixth, c,.€i,,,,? ° ° eighteen hundred and seventy-two, one hundred and fifty thousand dol- 1872, e. 316, v. 17, lars: Provided, That hereafter no money sha11• be expended at said 1>·26|· _ armories in the perfection of petentable inventions in the manufacture P’°‘"“°· of arms by officers of the Army otherwise compensated for their serv- `ices to the United States. _ _ Sec. 2.»Tha»t in all contracts for material for any public improvement, _A¤¤<>ri¤¤¤ metethe Secretary of War shall give preference to American material; and "“1bf{°f‘f;°" f" all labor thereon shall be performed within the jurisdiction of the ,};,;1,,,,_ ° 1 pr°v°` Ullitéd States. Labor on smne. Sec. 3. That all issues of arms end other ordnance stores which were A¤¤¤. &¤·, issue? ' made by the War Department to the States and Territories between the first day January, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, and the ninth day 1,186l,andApriI9; of April, eighteen hundred and sixtydive, under the act of April twenty- 1865, and used to third, eighteen hundred and eight, and charged to the States and Ter- ¤¤1>l>F¤¤¤ ¤>l·¤Ui<>¤· ritories, having been made for the maintenance and preservation of the {,338* °· 55· '· 2- Union, and properly chargeable to the United States, the Secretary of P];_Sf,1661,,,__·;90, War is hereby authorized, upon a proper showing by such States of the 1667, p, 291. faithful disposition of said arms and ordnance stores, in the service of the United States in the snppressionof the wor of the rebellion, to credit Credit to States, the several States and Territories with the sum charged to them respect &°· ively for arms and other ordnance-stores which were issued to them between the aforementioned dates, and charged against their quotas under the law for arming, and equipping the militia: Provided, That it Proviso. shall be the duty of the Secretary of War, before making a credit to any of said States and Territories, to investigate and a certaln, so nearly as he can, the disposition made by each of aid States and Territories of said arms and orduancestores; and, if he shall rind that any of said arms or ordnance-stores have been sold or otherwise misstpplied, to refuse a credit to such State or Territory for so much of said arms and ordnance-stores as have been sold or misapplied; and the amount thereof shall remain a eharge against said State or Territory, the same as if this not had not been passed: And provided further, That so much _ Quota of rebe1· of the appropriations between the first of January, eighteen hundred h¤¤¤Sf&¢¤:9f¤m; and sixty-one, and the ninth of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-five Qgggfggd ;;’_“ under the act of April twenty-third, eighteen hundred and eight herein _ referred to, as would have been used for the purchase of arms to be dis-- tributed to the several States that were in rebellion, shell be covered into the Treasury of the United States. Approved, March 3, 1875.