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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/486

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456 FOILTY-TH IRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 134. 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 134.-An act making alppropriatioiis for the repair, freservation, and comple- -—-—-——· tion of certain public wor on rivers and harbors, an for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Rivoraudharbor States of America. in Congress assembled, That the following sums of ¤1•1n¤rrl=¤ti¤¤¤- money be, and are hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, for_the_repa1r, preservation, and completion of the following public works hereinafter named: _ Duluth. 'For dredging the inside harbor at Duluth, thirty-five thousand dollars. · 0¤l¤¤¤¤¤¤· ‘ For the improvement of the harbor at Ontonagon, twenty-five thou- . d dollars. Engle Hevlm- wher the improvement of Eagle Harbor, ten thousand dollars. ilrrqnocte. For the improvement of the harbor at Marquette, fifteen thousand dollars. _Fo¤g and Wis<>o¤— For the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers five hundred '““ R“'°“· thousand dollars. G*`°°” BW- For the improvement of the harbor at Green Bay, ten thousand dollars. M·=¤°¤¤°“°°· For the improvement of the harbor at Menomonee, twenty-five thousand dollars. Ahnapee. For the improvement of the harborat Ahnapee, Wisconsin, twenty- ilve thousand dollars. Two Rivers. For the improvement of the harbor at Two Rivers Wisconsin nfteen th usand dollars , o . Moruowoo. For the improvement of the harbor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, ten thousand dollars. Sheboygan. For the improvement of the harbor at Sheboygan Wisconsin, twelve thousand dollars._ Port Washing- For the improvement of the harbor at Port Wa hington, Wisconsin,

  • 0**- ten thousand dollars

Milwaukee- Fgrdtléo improvement of the harbor at Milwaukee, twentylfive thousan dollars. R¤¤i¤<=•· For the improvementof the harbor at Racine Wisconsin ten thou s s. are sonar ’ K°¤°°l“· 1For tlgadimlprovement of the harbor at Kenosha, Wisconsin fifteen t nousan dollars. Cl**°*°H°- thllor th? gnlprovoment of the harbor at Chicago, Illinois seventy-eight ousan dollars. C¤l¤m°°· thllor tngmprovement of the harbor at Calumet, Illinois,_twenty-tive ousan dollars. Michigan City. For the improvement of the harbor at Michigan City Indiana fifty thousand dollars. . ’ Frankfort. Fgrdtlm improvement of the harbor at Frankfort, Michigan, ten thou- _ san dollars. M°”’“*°°· For the improvement of the harbor at Manistee, Michigan twenty- five thousand dollars. Luaington. F31;1 the improvement of the harbor at Ludington, Michigan ten thou- , _ _ san dollars. ` Wl¤*° R*V°’· thFor tlaedimprovernent of the harbor at White River, Michigan ten ousan dollars. · Muskegon. For the improvement of the harbor at Muskegon, Michigan twenty- five thousand dollars , Biaok Lake. For the improvement of the harbor at Black Lake, Michigan fifteeu thousand dollars. S**¤§¤*“°k· ·,F3rdtpp improvement of the harbor at Saugatuck Michigan, ten thousan dollars. · · S°¤*h H=’·V€¤- For the improvement of the harbor at. South Haven, Michigan, tell _ _ thousand dollars. Brszllll M¤Yy’¤ RN- ‘ For the improvement of Saint Mary’s River and Saint Ma»ry’s Falls

  • °‘ Canal, two hundred thousand dollars; of which sum not to exceed forty

thousand dollars may be used in thesettlement of such claims of the