FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 134.. 1875; 457 contractors, Barker Williams and Bangs, and Barker and Williams, Barker Williams for damages and delays in the time of commencing work on said canal ggrgefgggayjq during the existence of their contracts, as the Secretary of War, on the ,,,m,_ " report of the Engineer Department, shall judge to be just and equitable. , For the improvement of the harbor at Chehoygan Michigan fiftecn 01¤>l¤<>yg=~¤· thousand For the improvement of Saint Clair River, at the mouth of Black Saintolair Rivor. River, Michigan, ten thousand dollars. For the improvement of the Harbor of Refuge, Lake Huron, one HarborofRefuge. hundred thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Monroe. Michigan, ten thou- Monroe. sand dollars. _ _ d lior the improvement of Saginaw River, Michigan, thirty thousand $**8¤¤°W **1*****- o ars. For the improvement of the harbor at Toledo, Ohio, seventyhve T°1¤d<>· thousand dollars For the improvement of the harbor at Sandusky City, Ohio, twenty- Sandusky City. xive thousand dollars. d Nor the improvement of the harbor at Huron, Ohio, one thousand Huron. o ars. d Igor theimprovemeut of the harbor at Vermillion, Ohio, ten thousand V°"¤mi°¤· o ars. For the improvement of the harbor at Black River, Ohio, ten thou- Bmk R*V<>*· sand dollars. _ For the improvement of the harborat Grand River, Ohio, lifteen Gmm R"°'· thousand dollars. _ For the improvement of the harbor at Ashtabula, Ohio, twenty-five i¤h*¤b¤l¤·· thousand dollars. d Forthe improvement of the harbor at Conneaut, Ohio, one thousand Connesut. ollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Erie, Pennsylvania, eighty Emtbousand dollars. _ Fprithae improvement of the harbor at Port Clinton, Ohio, five th0u— Pm C1*¤*°¤· san o urs. . For the improvement of the harbor at Rocky River, Ohio, nfteen Rockykiver. thousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Dunkirk, New _York thirty- D"”k*’k· ilve thousand dollars. _ For dredging the mud bars in the Hudson River in front of Jersey H“d°°’* R“'°'· City, twenty-fivethousand dollars. For the improvement of the harbor at Buffalo. New York one hundred Bunalo. thousand dollars · and out of this appropriation the Chief of Engineers _ _ may pay Daniel Bailey, the sum of twenty-three thousand two hun- Daniel E. Bailey. dredland eighty-seven dollars and seventy-six cents for work done by `him upon such improvement in eighteen hundredand seventy-three _ and eighteen hundred and seventy-tour, and for which he has not been paid, in full satisfaction thereoii For the improvement of the harbor at Olcutt, New York ten thou- 01¤¤¤¢· sand dollars. · For the improvement of the harbor at Oak Orchard, New York, ten Oek 0¢¤h4¤d· thousand dollars. ` For the construction of an additional pier in the ice harbor at New New Castle. Castle, Delaware, twenty thousand dollars. , _ . For the continuation of the construction of the United States pier at Lewes. Lewes, Delaware, twenty-five thousand dollars. - For the improvement of the harbor at Charlotte, New York, five Ch‘“l°“°· thousand dollar . C mom . For the improvement of the harbor at Crisiield, Maryland, thiriqy- “ ‘ seven thousand three hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents. , ` .For the improvement of the harbor at ~Pultneyvil1e New York, ten P“R”°7“u°‘ thousand dollars _
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