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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/496

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466 Fo1zTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ou. 134,135. 1875. plated by his legal representatives and his associates a,foreseid,witb the same powers, rights, obligations, and oompensamions as if done by him in person: . A , Secretzgryofwur Sec. . That the Secretary of War bo, and he is hereby authorized

  • ° °%"EY '”**;.°“°°** and directed to carry into effect the provisions of this act on behalf of

P"°`"°‘°°“° °°*‘ the United States, and, when the said Eads and his associates shell, from time to time, have fulfilled on their part the several foregoing couditions of this act to drew hisewarrants upon the Treasurer of the United States in favor of! said Eads, or l1is_lega.l representatives, in payment of the aforesaid amounts as 'they respectively. become due by the provisions of this uct. And it shall be the duty of the Secretary of Wan- to Reports. embody in his annual reports the payments made from tune to time under this acts, and the probable times when other payments will become duo, and to report during the construction of the works herein authorized all important ihcts relating to the progress of the same, the materials used, and the character and permanency with which the said jettecs and a.uxl1ia·x·y works are being constructed, to the end that the Congress of the United States may be kept fully advised as to the faithfulness and efficiency with which the said works are being executed by the said_Eeds and associates, it being expresslyunderstood that while said Ends shall be outremmoled in the exercise of his judgment and skill in the location, design, and construction of said jottrees and auxiliary works, the intent of this not is not simply co secure the wide and deep channel - first above named, but likewise to provide ‘for the construction of thoroughly substantial and permanent works by which said channel may be maintained for all time after their completion. Aud in case the Secretary of War shall be of the opinion- that this work is not being constructed according to the spirit and intent of this act, be shall report the same to the President, wh0 shall appoint a. Commission. commissionhconsisning of on officer of the Army, an officer of the Navy, · and u competent person from civil life, to inspect and examine the works being constructed by said Eads and his associates; and in ease the said commission shall report that the works are being constructed upon a. design that will not be of a. substantial and permanent character when completed, all the mobs ip the case shall be laid before Congress at the earliest possible moment, and paymorits upon said works shall be sus-. _ _ pondcd until Congress shall otherwise order. . b Olgigylc ¤3 *{¤ SEO. . Thats tho option of discharging the obligations herein assumed m‘;m;";r‘f§Qds “‘ by the United States, either in money or bonds, is expressly reserved; ° mid t-ho Secretary of tho Treasury is hereby directed to issue the bonds _ of the United States, beaming five por contum interest, of the character and description set out in the act: entitled *‘An ootato authorize the refunding of the public debb," approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred end seventy, to said Eads or his legal representatives, in payment at pur of the atoresayid warrants of the Secretary of War, unless the Congress of the United States shall have previously provided for Qhe . payment of the same by the necessary appropriations of money: Pro- Uxlited Suter vided, That in no cose shall the Government of the United States be 2<:•l*ab1°f°*1°¤¤¤¤»'liable for any losses `incurred by said Eeds and his associates in the performance of the work herein mentioned, nor shall any payments thereon be made in excess of the sums nor contrary to the terms hereinbofore prescribed. _ V Approved, March 3, 1875. ‘ · Maroh.3, 1875. CHAP. 135.——An not makin u riatiuns for the su ort of tho Milit Aoudom ············;— for the year- ending J§¤g&0i1?tieth, eighteen huxgfred and seventyg. y MH A Be it enacted oy tee Senate and House of Representatives of the United my ‘;p‘;;`g)pd;Q£)‘: States of America on Congress assembled, That the following sums be, {0,-’y,m 6 ,,,1;,, g and. the same are hembygmppropriuted, out of any money in the Treas- June ao, mc. ury not otherwise appropriated, for the support; of the Military Aoed-