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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/497

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FORTY-THIRD oonennss. sms. II. ou. 135. ms. 467 emy for the year ending June thirticth, eighteen hundred and seventy- six, namely: For additional pay of officers, and for pay of instructors, professors, _ Pay of viiicers, cadets, end musicians, two hundred and thirty-ive thousand dollars: g;°°"“°*°‘¤»°“d°°°» Provided, That the Besident of the United States be authorized to fill ‘§,=~,u,,,g of vw,,} any vacancy occurring at said academy by reason of death, or other cies. cause, of any person appointed by him. That the assistant instructors of tactics commanding cadet companies _ Pay of mismut arb West Point shall receive the same pay and allowances ashssistant “?“*“‘°*°’“ °f ****°‘ professors in the other branches of study.°‘°°‘ For repairs and improvements, timber, planks, boards, joists, wall- Repairs we imstrips, leths, shingles, slate, tin, sheet-lead, nails, screws, locks, butts, P”°"'“°“*“· hinges, glass, paints, oils, turpentine, varnish, stone, brick, lime, cement, plaster, hair, drain-pipe, blasting powder, fuse, ircn,stec1, tools, muntcls, and other similar materials, fourteen thousand and five hundred dollars; and for pay of citizen-mechanics and labor employed upon repairs and improvements that cannot be done by enlisted men, eight thousand dollars · in all twenty-two thousand and Eve hundred dollars. For f,uel and apparatus, namely, coal, wood, stoves, grates, furnaces, Fuel, apparatus, ranges, iirebrick, and repairs of steam-heatin g apparatus, fourteen &°· thousand dollars; gas-pipes, Extures, lamp-posts, gas-lamps, gasometers, retorts, and annual repairs, six hundred dollars; fuel for cadets’ mess-hall, shops, and laundry, three thousand five hundred dollars; postage and telegrams, three hundred dollars; stationery, namely, blank books, paper, envelopes, quills, steel pens, pencils, erusers, wax, jnk, and mucilege, six hundred dollars; transportation of materials, discharged cadets, and ferriagcs, one thousand eight hundred dollars; printing·type, materials for office, diplomas for graduates registers, and blanks, nine hundred dollars; in all, twenty-one thousand and seven hundred dollars. . For compensation to pressman and to lithographer, fifty dollars each, Pr<>¤¤¤¤¤»¤,li¢|¤¤:z- one hundred dollars; clerk to disbursing oflieer and quartermaster, one ’“i“‘°"· °l°’¥‘“· &°· thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; clerk to aldjutaut, one thousand _ five hundred dollars; clerk to treasurer, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, four thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars. _ For department of instruction in mathematics, namely, repairs of M“h°'“°**°’· instruments, nfty dollars; textbooks and stationery for use of instructors, thirty dollars; in all, eighty dollars. ‘ _ For department of artillery, cavalry, and infantry tactics, namely, 'f=¤=¤1<=¤· tan-bark for riding-lmll and gymnasium, three hundred dollars; repairing campstools and camp-furniture, one hundred dollars; clothesracks for cadcts’ tents, two hundred dollars; repairing gymnasium, one hundred dollars; embroidering stand of colors, for the United States Corps of Cadets, nity dollars; turuiture for office and reception-room for visitors, one hundred dollars; stationery for use of instructor and assistants, one hundred dollars; books, twenty dollars; in ell, nine hundred and seventy dollars. For department of civil and military engineering, namely, models, Civil and milimaps, purchase and repair of instruments, text books, books of reference, my °”8“‘°°"¤H· - stationery for use of instructors, and coutingen cies, Eve hundred dollars; compensation to a draughtsman, in addition to pay and extra duty pay as a. soldier, one hundred dollars; engraving plates, printing and binding textbooks prepared for the special instruction of the cadets, two thousand five hundred dollars: Provided, That said books shall be sold to the cadets at cost price, and the amount received theretbr covered into the Treasury; in all, three thousand and one hundred dollars. · _ For department of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology, na.mely,chem1- Cl¤°mlm`Y» &¤· cals, including chemical apparatus, glass and porcelain ware, paper, wire, and heetmetals, ores,aud photographic material, six hundred and seventy-nve dollars; rough specimens, tiles, alcohol, lamps, blowpipes, pencils, and mortars for practical instruction in mineralogy, and for gradual increase of the cabinet, six hundred and twenty-five dollars;