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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/499

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FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 135, 136. 1875. 469 drcd dollars; pay of assistant engineer of same, seven hundred and twenty dollars; pay of iivn Bremen, two thousand two hundred dollars; in ali, four thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. For increase and expense of library, books, magazines, periodicals, and binding, two thousand dollars. - For pay of librn.ria.u’s as istaut, one thousand dollars. For contingcncic for superintendent of the academy, one thousand dollars. For furniture for cadet hospital, and repairs, one hundred dollars; printing catalogue for library, seven hundred dollars; renewing furniture in academic section rooms and offices, one thousand dollars; papers and periodicals fdr cadet hospital, sixty dollars; and for carpeting and repairs to chapel for cadets, 0h‘1cors’ families, and visitors, oudthousaud . dollars; in all, two thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. For repairing and opening roads and walks, Evo hundred dollars. Grounds. For continuing superstructure of the new hospital for cadets, thirty Hospital. thousand dollars. For continuing construction of sewerage from barracks and quartmcs, Sewerage. three thousand dollars. For repairs to reservoirs and increasing capacities, five hundred dol- Reservoirs. lars. For construcmon or school-house for soldierd children, and furniture for same, eight thousand dollars: For pampot wall on the road loading along the cliff to south wharf, - five hundred dollars. Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 136.-An mt restricting the refunding of custom duties mxé prescribing cor- March 3, 1875. tain zrcguhmous of tho Treasury Department ·i·—-·-·-—-· Ba it counted by the Senate and House of Représentatéves of the United ·Smmof America in Congress assembled, That no moneys collected as Duties 0,, im. duties on imports, in accordance with any decision, ruling, or direction Kms, when and previously made or given by the Secretary of the Treasury, shall, except ¤W r<>f¤¤<i<><1· ps hereinafter provided, be refunded or repaid, unless in accordance with thejudgmant of a. circuit or district court of the United States giving construction to the law, and from which the Attorney-General shall certify that no appeal or writ of error will be taken by tho United States; or unless in pursuance of a. special appropriation for the paxticulm- refund on- repayment to be made: Provided, That whenever the Pmviso. refund Secretary shall be of opinion that such duties have been assessed and m mes .31* mm collected under an erroneous view of the facts in the case, he may au- vffwt. thorizo a m-examination and mliquidatiou in such case, and make such · refund in accordance with existing laws astha facts so ascertained shall, in his opinion, justify; but no such roliquidaticn shall be allowed unless protest and appeal shall have been made as required by law: Provulad cms ofpcrsonnl further, That the restrictive provisions of this act shall not apply to gsi i¤>¤S¤h<>1d ofsuch personal and household effects and other articles, notmcrchandise, °“‘ as am by law exempt from duty: And provided also, That this act shall not affect the refund of excess of deposits based on estimated duties nor km bf dapw prevent thdcorrection of 6I‘X‘0I‘S4iI1 liquidation, whether for or against its on escmmwx the Govern ment, arising solely upon errors of fact discovered within one d¤¤¤¤- year from the date of payment, and, when in favor of the Government, brought to the notice of the collector within tan days from the date of discover . _ Sec. That no ruling or decision oucc made by the Secretary of the Decisions or sw- Treasury, giving construction tci any law imgsiug customs duties, shall ;;°“;g’8;3’§£:gzQQ;g be reversed or modihed adversely to the uitcd States, by lthp same MMO be modified or a succeeding Secretary, except in concurrence with an opiniop of tho byggmggrguccggd- Attorney-General recommending the same, or a. judicial decision of a mg Secretary, extiircuit or district court of the United States conflicting with such ruhng °°P°· &°·