468 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 135. 1875. repairs and additions to electric, galvanic, magnetic, electro-magnetic, magnetoeleetric, pneumatic, und thermic apparatus, and apparatus illustrating optical properties of substances, nine hundred dollars; carpenters’ and metal work, and painting, including n1ateria1,one hundred and fifty dollars; pay of mechanic to be employed in chemical and geological seotionrooms, and in the- lecture·room, one thousand and nity dollars; models and diagrams, sixty dollars; books of reference, text-books, and stationery for instructors, and contingencies, three hundred and fifty dollars; compensation to attendant, fifty dollars; in all, three thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. N¤*¤1‘¤J ¤¤d_ °¤· For department of natural and experimental philosophy, namely, §;{j‘“°“““1 P’“1°"` additions to the optical and mechanical apparatus of the laboratory, y' three thousand dollars- spectmscope and photographic apparatus for the observatory, one thousand five hundred dollars; materials and repairs, four hundred dollars; compensation to mechanic, one thousand dollars; compensation to attendant, fifty dollars; in all, five thousand nine hundred and fifty dollars. Prgwtiwl wei- For department of practical military engineering, namely, mining- “°°““K· materials, profiling, stationery, drawing-materials, and repairs of instrumeznlts, one hundred dollars; telegraphiiig-material, one hundred dollars ; _ in , two hundred dollars. French. For department of French, namely, text-books and stationery for _ instructors, and for examination-blanks, two hundred dollars. BP°'“°h· For department of Spanish, namely, text- books and stationery for use _ of instructors, fifty dollars. D*'**'"¤H- For department of drawing, namely, topographical models for use of third class, one hundred and fifty dollars; models for use of second class, one hundred dollars; tables, benches, and frames for resting models on, one hundred dollars; fifty rulers and fifty triangles, nfty dollars; colors, pencils, paper, and brushes for use of instructors, twenty dollars, in all, four hundred and twenty dollars. _ - Law. For department of law, namely, stationery, text-books, and books of reference, one hundred dollars. 0¤l¤¤¤¢° ¤¤ d For department of ordnance and gunnery, namely, models and drawg“““°"y· ings illustrating practical working of materials employed in ordnanceconstruction, one hundred and seventy-five dollars ; instrument-house for field-service, one hundred and fifty dollars; target-recording-house, with camera and appurtenances for riile practice, seventy-five dollars; iron targets forri£1e-practice, thirty dollars; wire and electrical batteries and targets for instruments for determining initial velocity of progectiles, one hundred dollars; textbooks for use of instructors, twenty- ve dollars; plane-table for determining ranges, and for instrument for measur- ‘ ing distances, forty-Eve dollars; in all, six hundred dollars. Bowl <>fvi¤i¤¤¤‘¤· d ger expenses of the board of visitors, four thousand two hundred 0 ars. ngiqmlldnntgfus ms0ELLANEOUs rmnms mn INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. III! H10] OD OX- P°"“°°’ For gas-coal, oil, candles, wicking, and matches for lighting the academy, oladet-bgrtriacdas, mess-hall, hospital, offices, stables, and sidewalks, ourthousand dollars. For water-pipes, plumbing, and repairs, two thousand dollars. For cleaning public buildings, not quarters, five hundred and sixty; dollars; brooms, brushes, tubs, pails, soap, and cloths, two hundred dollars- chalk, crayons, sponge, slatcs, and rubbers for recitatioxrrooms, one lmndred dollars; in all, eight hundred and sixty dollars. For compensation of chaperorgauist, two hundred dollars; compensation of librarian, one hundred and twenty dollars; compensation of non-commissioned officcr in charge of mechanics, fifty clollars ; compensation of soldier writing in edjutant’s oiilce, fifty dollars; pay of engineer of heating and ventilating apparatus lor the cadetbzumcks, chapel, and philosophical academy, including the library, one thousand five hun-
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