476 FORTETHIRD CON GRESS. Sess. II. GH. 139, 140. 1875, sms-springs. Sm. 11. That all salt-springs within said State, not exeeeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjoining, arid as contiguous as may be to each, shall be granted be said Smtefor its use, the said lmid to be selected by the governor of said State withm two years after the admission of the State, and when so selected to be used end disposed of on such term , conditions, and regulations as the legislature shall Pmviso. direct: Provided, That; no salt-spring or lands the right whereof is now vested in any individual or individuals, or which hereafter shall be confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuals, shall by this act be granted to said State. , Fm er mt. of Sino. 12. That five per oentum of the proceeds of the sales of agri ¤¤l¤¤ OF pu Nic cultural public lands lying within said State which shall be sold by the ¥‘“"l“ f°" '“:"’““1 United States subsequent to the admission of said State into the Union, ”"pr°v°m°° °' after deducting all the expenses incident to the same, shall be paid to · the said State for the purpose of making suclr internal improvements Pmviso. within said State as the legislature thereof may direct: Provided, Theta this section shall not apply be any lands disposed of under the homestead-laws of the United States, or to any lands uow or hereafter reserved for public or other uses. .. 'Uuexpendedbal- $110.13. That any balance of the appropriations for the legislative ¤¤5¤<>¤ of npprvpri- expenses of said Territory of Colorado remaining uuexpended shall-be ““°“’· applied to and used for defmying the expenses of saigl convention, and for the payment of the members thereof, under the same rules and regulations and rates as are now provided by law for the payment of the territorial legislature. r · School-fund. SEO. 14. That the two sections of lend in each township herein granted for the support of common schools shall be disposed of only at public sale and nt a. price not less than two dollars aud fifty cents per acre, _ . the proceeds to constitute a. permanent school-fund, the interest of which _ to be expended in the supporuof common schools. Mineral lends. Sino. 15. That all mineral-lands shall be excepted from the operation mad grants of this ecb. ` Approved, March 3, 1875. I Mmm, 3, 1B76_ GHAP. 140.—Au not to establish the boundary-line between the State of Arkansas ..;.;.; . and the Indian country. V _ , I Be it enacted by the Sonata and House of Represenmmes of the United Boundary -1;,, O States of America in Congress assembled, That the bouuda.ry;1ine between between Arkansas the State of Arkansas and the Indian country, as originally surveyed Md F6 I¤<U¤¤ and marked, and upon which the lines of the surveys of the public lends °"““ ry' in the State ofAPk8DS8»S were closed, be, and the sameis hereby,decla1‘0d to be the permanent boundary-line between the said State of Arkansas _ and the Indian country. . b0B°*;*ad**(;‘lY·gL¤°*° SEO. 2. That the Secretary of the Interior shall, as soon as practicu- “’ ° · °‘ ble, cause the boundary-line, as iixed iu· the foregoing section, to be . retraced and marked in a. distinct and permanent manner; rand if the original line, when retrmed, shall beiound to diifer in any respect from what the boundary-line would be if run in accordance with the provisions of the treaties establishing the eastern boundary-line of she Choc- Variations to be mw and Cherokee Nations, thou the surveyors shall note such variations ¤<>*>¤>¤» &<>· and compute the area of the land which in that case would be taken V I from the State of Arkansas or the Indian country, as the case may be; ami the Secretary of the Interior shall also cause any monuments set up m any former survey indicating any line at variance with the survey provided for in this sms to be obliterated. Approved, March 3, 1875.
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