FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. [1. Ch. 141. 1875. 477 ` CHAP. 141.-—-An act supplementary to the acts in relation to immigration. March 3, 1875. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of lteprecenmtwes of the United Smtes of America in Congress assembled, That in determining whether Inquig by com the immigration of any subject of China, J apau, or any Oriental country, °“’“ ° °°” .***5 *9 to the United States, is free and voluntary, as provided by section two ;‘Qf,‘,EQ°§f,,‘g thousand one hundred and sixty-two of the Revised Code, title “Immi- ¤¤Jspa¤£¤rserv1ee gration," it shall be the duty of the consul-general or consul of the for immoral pur- United States residing at the port from which it is proposed to cou- P°°°°· vey such subjects, in any vessels enrolled or licensed in the United States, or anyport within the same, before delivering to the masters of any such vessels the permit or certificate provided for in such section, Oqnditl ons of to ascertain whether such immigrant has entered into a contract or °°”*H°”°· agreement for a term of servicewithin the United States, for lewd and R. 5.,2162, p. 378 immoral purposes; and if there be such contract or agreement, the saidlgonsuhgeueral or consul shall not deliver the required permit or cerf cate. Sec. 2. That it any citizen of the United States, or other person CitizenofUnited amenable to the laws of the United States shall take, or cause to be S*¤?°¤*¤¤¤P9**i¤¤¤ taken or transported, to or from the United States any subject of China, j‘;_bJ:;’Qv‘;*,£::;‘;;’; Japan, or any Oriental country, without their free and voluntary con. ,,0,¥,,,,,,,_ sent, for the purpose of holding them to a term of service, such citizen or other person shall be liable to be indicted therefor, and, on conviction of such ofense, shall be punished by a iine not exceeding two thousand P¤¤¤1*y· dollars and be imprisoned not exceeding one year; and all contracts contmotforservand agreements for a term of service of such persons in the United iw void- States, whether made in advance or in pursuance of such illegal importation, and whether such importation shall have been in American or other vessels, are hereby declared void. . ` Sec. 3.·That the importation into the United States of women for Importation of the purposes of prostitution is hereby forbidden; and all contracts and W°m°” ff°* I?“*`· agreements in relation thereto, made in advance or in pursuance of ° *’“”°‘t“` such illegal importation and purposes, are hereby declared void; and Contract vom. whoever shall knowingly and willfully import, or cause any importation of, women into the United States for the purposes of prostitution, or shall knowingly or willfully hold., or attempt to hold, any woman to , such purposes, in pursuance of such illegal importation: and contract or agreement, shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, on conviction thereof, P Shall be imprisoned not exceeding nve years and pay a fine not exceed- °“"'ltY‘ ing iivo thousand dollars. SEG, 4. That if any person shall knowingly and willfully contract, or C°;=**¤¤*i¤: *0 attempt to contract, in advance or in pursuance of such illegal importa- zsggyiul tion, to supply to another the labor of any cooly or other person brought of section 2152-3 Rcinto the United States in violation of section two thousand one hundred vised Statutes. and fifty-eight of the Revised Statutes, or of any other section of the laws prohibiting the cooly-trade or of this act, such person shall be deemed guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction thereof, in any United States court, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars P¤¤¤i¢y· · and imprisoned for a term not exceeding one year. - _ Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful for aliens of the following clasees to immigration of immigrate into the United States, namely, persons who are unde;,,oing ¤}_¤¤¤ <=<>¤¤¤;>l>¤» MMT 8- Selltence for conviction in their own country of ielonious crimes other ;0s::“;?“pf;Sg;';: than political or growing out of or the result of such political oilenses, ,,,,,,,,f,,,;,i,m,,,,_ or whose sentence has been remitted on condition of their emigration, and women “ imported for the purposes of prostitution." Every vessel _ Bffiving in the United States may be inspected under the direction of I¤¤v<=<>i¤¤¤¢>i"•’•=¤- the collector of the port at which it arrives, if be shall have reason to **1* believe that any such obnoxious persons are on board ; and the officer making such inspection shall certify the result thereof to the master or _ _ other person in charge of such vessel, designating in such certificate Certincate of upthe person or persons, if any there be, ascertained by him to be of either “P°°*"“· _ _ of the classes whose importation is hereby forbidden. When such Wlxeminspeotio: mspeetion is required by the collector as aforesaid, it shall be unlawful, ;gq,:;f3‘d£;f“6;_
Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/507