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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/514

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484 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess., H. (Ju. 153, 154, 155. 1875. R. S-,168¤,p.294, That the following be added to section one thousand six hundred and °’¥“°°‘1""· eighty-two: — _ Gummeiq, Qc-, *‘And he shall receive compensation at the rate of ten thousand dol. Q2}"? °f “““’“°’ lars per annum! Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 154.-An not to amend section numbered three thousand three nundrecl and " """;""" forty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States in relation to ailixing stamps OH bl‘0V\’0l‘S C21SkB· Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United R·B-.3342,1>.655. States of America. in Congress asscrnbled, That section numbered three °’"°""°d· thousand three hundred and forty-two of the Revised Statutes be amended so as to read as follows: Bmwm*s:m£s, That every brewer shall obtain, from the collector of the district in }j*°;'a P“’°“_{°d· · which his brewery or brewery-warehouse is situated, and not otherwise CQQMQ '"‘ °°"' unless such collector shall fail to furnish the same upon application to him, the proper stamps, and shall ailzlx, upon the spigot-hole in the head of every hogshead, barrel, keg, or other receptacle in which any fermented liquor is contained, when sold or removed from such brewery or warehouse, (except in case of removal under permit, as hereinafter provided,) a stamp denoting the amount of the tax required upon such fermented liquor, which stamp shall be destroyed by driving through the same the faucet through which the liquor is to be withdrawn, or an air-faucet of equal size, at the time the vessel is tapped in case the vessel is tappcd through the other spigot-hole, (of which there shall be but two, one in the head and one in the side,) and shall, also, at the time of afiixing such stamp, cancel the same by writing or imprinting thereon the name of the person, firm, or corporation by whom such liquor was made, or the initial letters thereof, and the date when canceled. Every brewer who refuses or neglects to aihx and cancel the stamps required by law in the manner aforesaid, or who aftixes a false or fraudulent stamp thereto, or knowingly permits the same to be done, shall pay a P°“°·"’Y· penalty of ope hundred dollars for each barrel or package on which such omission or fraud occurs, and be imprisoned not more than one year. Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 155.-An act to amend section fourteen hundred and twenty-two of the ··—···‘··_··—·· llleymed Statutes of the United States relating to the better government of the Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United R· S3 1429. D- 250, States of America on Congress assembled, That section fourteen hundred “‘“°“ °‘r and twenty-two of the Revised Statutes of the United States be amended to read as follows: _ Mw q¤¤t_ lwmc Sec. 1422. That it shall be the duty of the commanding oniicer of any fgrm°§’f;Q;Q’;e§f fleet, squadron, or ve sel acting singly, when on service, to send to an ju Navy_ Atlantic or to a Pacino port of the United States, as their enlistment may have occurred on either the Atlantic or Pacino coast of the United States, in some public or other vessel, all petty-officers and persons of inferior ratings desiring to go there at the expiration of their terms of _ enlistment, or as soon thereafter as may be, unless, in his opinion, the w]Qg·°“**°” l’°Y°¤d detention of such persons for a longer period should be essential to thé ‘ public interests, in which case he may detain them, or any of them, _ until the vessel to which they belong shall return to such Atlantic or l?ersons_enlisted Pacific port.~ All persons enlisted without the limits of the United ‘,}’££3%$£;§°d.*;f States may be discharged, on the expiration of their enlistment, eithe} ch,,,,,,,, damaging_ in a foreign port or in a port of the United States, or they may be detained as above provided beyond the term of their enlistinentrand