FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. On. 155, 156. 1875. 485 that all persons sent home, or detained by a. commanding ofiieer, Men subject tp qwcordiug to the provisions of this net, shall be subject in all respects to '°€“1“‘°5‘P h“““’* thelews and regulations for the government of the Navy until their "”°""“°r M °‘g°' return to an Atlantic or Pacific port and their regular discharge; and ell persons so detained by such officer, or reentering to serve until the return to an Atlantic or Pacific port of the vessel to which they belong, shall in no case be held in service more than thirty days after their . H"'. 1°“&0h°‘d arrival in said port; and that all persons who shall be so detained ;?v°¥“°°a r M" beyond their terms of enlistment or who shall, after the termination of their enlistment, voluntarily re-enter to serve until the return to an Atlantic or Pacific port of the vessel to which they belong, and their regular discharge therefrom, shall receive for the time during which Additierpei pe; they are so detained, or shall so serve beyond their original terms of T°*"*°*°““°” °°" enlistment, an addition of one-fourth of their former pay: Provided, lqjhissectiouto be That the shippingerticles shall hereafter contain the substance of this contained ir. ship section. ping-articles. Approved, Merch 3, 1875. CHAP. 156.-An act to promote economy and emciency in the mn.rine—hospitn.1 Mufch 3, 1875- S0!‘V1G6 Be it enacted by the Senate umd House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- S¤1¤¤¤l¤!e¤f¤verury shall cause to be prepared a schedule of the average number of sea.- fI§°‘;“‘;g—‘*£(f[f Sf.; men required in the safe and ordinary navigation of registered, enrolled, ,,,,v,gM{},,,0f,,,,,_,i,,_ and licensed vessels of the United States, basing such schedule upon med, &¤., vessels; the diiiereuces in rig, tonnage, and kind of traffic. And from and after the completion and publication of said schedule, hospital-dues, at the H¤§l>i¤¤1—d¤e¤ he rate and for the periods prescribed in sections four thousand live Bg£1"3;t_f°' ‘“'°'*‘g° hundred and eighty-tive and four thousand five hundred end eighty- ` seven of the Revised Statutes of the United States, shall be assessed §é4S·»4585· 458% and collected, from the master or owner of each vessel subject to such P` ' dues, upon the average number of seamen as set forth in said schedule: Provided, That nothing herein contained shall be held to debar masters or owners of vessels from deducting such dues from each seaman’s wages, as by law new authorized. _ Sec. 2. That from and after May first, eighteen hundred and seventy- b S?{°;**¤l;*’¤l *¤}0¤°· live, every vessel subject to hospital-tax, except vessels required by law Vg3m" Sgbijgh QQ to carry crew-lists, shall have and keep on board, subject to inspection h0s,m;_-t,,,x, og. and verification at all times by any officer of the customs, a scaman’s cept. time-book, which shall be furnished by the Treasury Department; and in which time-book shall be entered the name, date of shipment, and Enum, gugium. date of discharge of every seaman employed o board such vessel; and book. the master or owner of any vessel subject to hospital-tax, vessels carry- ing crew-lists as above exceptedyshell forfeit and pay the sum of fifty pmmy {0,,,,,,;,. dollars for each and every seaman found employed ou board his vessel sions. without a corresponding entry in said time-book; und the sums so for- _ feited shall be collected by the collector of customs upon the sworn C91I0W2P ¤»¤<}_ statement of the customs-officers who make the inspections, and shall ;§f]’;f,f;’°’ '°“ ° be paid into the Treasury to the credit of the marine-hospital fund, for the general purposes of which fund said sums are hereby approprmted. _ Sec. 3. That term “ seaman," wherever employed in legislation 1~ela.t— Term **¤¤¤nm¤.*• mg to the marine-hospital service, shall be held to include any person employed on board in the care, preservation, or navigation of any vessel, or in the service, on board, of those engaged in such care, preservation, or navigation. 811:0.4. That the Secretary of the Treasury may rent or lease such _Le¤sing of hosmarinehospital buildings, and the lends appertaiuin g thereto, as he may I>¤¤¤l·b¤¤@¤S¤· deem advisable in the interests of the marine-hospital service; and the ApI>:‘l¤!>¤1¤¤°¤ °f Pwceeds of such rents or leases are hereby appropriated for the said P“’°°° “‘ service.
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