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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/516

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486 FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. GH. 156,157, 158. 1875, Insane of mor- Sec. 5. That insane patients of said service shall be admitted into °h**~““ m‘m”°· the Government Hospital for the In ane upon the order of the Secretary of the Treasury, and shall be cared for therein until cured or until removed by the same authority; and the charge for each such patient shall not exceed four dollars and fifty cents a week, which charge shall be paid ont of the marine-hospital fund. Sickgddimblgd Sec. 6. That sick and disabled seamen of foreign vessels and of vesseamen of for-eign sels not subject to hospital-dues may be eared for y the marine-hospital V*=¤¤°1¤·&°· service at such rates and under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury may prescribe. Supervising sur- Sec. 7. That the compensation of- the Supervising Surgeon of the §°°“,m*{f m**'}¤°j United States marine-hospital service shall be paid out of the marine s,?;};,;, h0vf°;`,Yf3?’ hospital fund, and the salary of the supervising surgeon shall be four ’ thousand dollars a year. {@0,,10; mw;. Sec. 8. That all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act are sistent acts. hereby repealed. Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 157.- An act to abolish the consulate at Auioor River and establish a con- ———-———-——————— snlato at Vladivostcck, Russia, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqcrescntattves `cf the United C,,,,,,,, 1,,,;,,, M States of America in Ocngress assembled, That Amoor River, in Russia, Amoor River dis- be discontinued as a consulate of class five, in schedule B, as the same °°¤*m¤°d· was amended by chapter two hundred and seventydive of the laws of

  • 637*% °- 27% “’”°• the first session of the Forty-third Congress; and that Vladivostock be

Pboésulm at vm a consulate of class five, in schedule B, and that the consul at Vladi- ,;m,,mk_ vostock and the consuls at Fayal and Auckland be, and they severally _Consu1s at Via hereby are, exempted from the prohibition to engage in business and d*‘5°°X°°’{;, *3°Y”·’» trade embraced in sections one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine

p,9§°,-rf; ’P‘;§Q and one thousand and seven hundred of -the Revised Statutes of the

niniiien, ae. United States. Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 158.—An act to establish certain post-roads. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _P¤¤¤;r¤¤d¤ smb- States of America in Congress assembled, That the following be, and are, ”“h°d m"‘ established as post-roads: Alabama; Arninnns z- From Grove Hill, via Bashi, to N anafalia. From Bowden to Red Land. From Red Land to Bock Mill. From WiHiams’ Mill to Lake City. From Shamrock to Aux»Vasse. Ari=¤¤¤s Amzoiu z-- From Tucson, via Tres Alamos, Camp Grant, Goodwin, and Salford, to Clifton. Ark¤¤¤¤¤; Anxnnsns i- From Faycttoville, to Vinita in Indiana Territory. From Marshall to Harrison. From Russellville to Caleb Davisis. From Sulphur Rock to Sharp’s Cross 1toadsI From Hickory Valley to Maxville.