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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/528

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498 FOBTYAUHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II.· Ch. 161. 1876. ·_ March 3, 1875. CHAP. 161.-An act fb incorporate the Capitol, North 0 Street, and South Washing- ·—————-——-—~ · ton Railway Company. Bc it enacted byihc Senate and House of Representatives of the United Ccrporators of States of America in Congress assembled, That Joseph Williams, William C¤·Pi*°r N°*"’h 2 J. Murta h, Hallet Kilbourn, Benjamin F. Fuller, William J. Oowing, §§;‘;‘§j;1g,‘jfL s§‘£,_ Samuel Bond, William Saunders, George W. Goodall, George A, way Company. Mcllhenny, L. A. Bartlett, and L. H. Chandler, and their associates and assigns, be, and they are hereby, created a body corporate; under the name of the Capitol, North O Street, and South Washington Bailway Company, with authority to construct and lay down a: single or double track railway, with the necessary switches and turn-outs, in the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, through and along Route. the following streets and avenues: commencing on First street west in front of the Capitol grounds, and running thence due north along said First street west to G street north; thence west along G street north to Fourth street west; thence along Fourth street west; thence along O street\ north to Eleventh street west; thence south along Eleventh street west to E street north; thence west along·E street north to Fourteenth street west; thence south on Fourteenth street west to Ohio avenue; thence along said avenue to its intersection with Twelfth street west; thence south along said Twelfth street west to Virginia avenue; thence southeast along Virginia avenue to its intersection with Mary- land avenue; thence northeast along Maryland avenue for First street west, the place of beginning, with the right to run public carriages p,,,,, thereon, drawn by horse-power, receiving therefor a rate of rare not exceeding five cents a passenger for any distance onsaid road, from its Ccimdiu t beginning to its terminus on First street west: Provided, That wherg YOU OB. . . . . ever the foregoing route may coincide with the route of any other duly- incorporated street-railroad-com pany in the District, or connect portions one track, joint of such route, but one set of track shall be used by both companies,

  • 180- which are hereby authorized and empowered to use such tracks in com-

Terms or joint mon, upon sueh fair and equitable terms as may be agreed upon by ¤¤¤· said companies; and in the event the said companies fail to agree upon satisfactory terms, either of said [companies may apply by petition to the supreme court of the District of Columbia, which shall provide for proper notice to and hearing of all parties interested, and shall have power to determine the terms and conditions upon which, and the regulations under which, the company hereby incorporated shall be entitled so, to use "and enjoy the track of- such other streetrailroad-company and the amount and manner of compensation to be paid therefor: And provided further, That neither of the companies using such track in common shall be permitted to make the track so used in common the depot or general stopping-place to await passengers, but shall only be entitled to use the same for the ordinary passage of their cars, with the _ ordinary halts for the taking up and the dropping of passengers. · T¤·¤¤¤*¤°¤ of <=°m· Sec. 2. That.the road of said company, with all its property and frau- P““§’· chises, shall be liable to taxation as is or may be provided by law, and L¤=¢¤¤¤ of ¤¤¤- their cars or vehicles shall be subject- to the provisions of such laws as · to license and fees therefor. ‘ Construction of Sec. 3. That the said railway shall be laid as near the center of the ¤>¤d- streets and avenues_ in the city of Washington as practicable (without interfering with, or passing over, the water or gaspipes) in the most approved manner adapted to streetrailways, with rails of the most approved pattern, with a Hat bearing for street vehicles of not less width, exclusive of the car-wheel bearing, than that now in use on the Washington and Georgetown railroad, laid upon an even surface with the pavement of the streets and avenues; and the space between the two tracks (where two are laid) shall not be less than tbur ieet nor more than six feet in width, and the carriages shall not be less than six feet ip width, the gauge to correspond with that of the Columbia Street 21 way. - .