FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ou. 161. 1875. 499 Sec. 4. That the said corporation hereby created shall be bound to Paving of track. keep said tracks, end ai space of two feet beyond the outer rails thereot, and also the space between the tracks, at all times well paved and in good order, in such·ma.nner and with such material as may be directed by the board of commissioners of the District of Oo1umbia·,a»nd if there be at any time no such board, then by the Secretary of War, without expense to the United States or the said city. Sec. 5. That nothing in this act shall prevent the Government, or the Right to alto r proper authorities of the District of Columbia., et any time, at its option, z¤¤l¤ of ¤*¤¤¤¤'>¤» 11-om altering the grade, or otherwise improving all avenues and streets &°··‘°“°"°‘1· occupied by said road, or the said District, from so altering- and improving such streets and avenues, and the sewerage thereof, as may be under their respective authority and control; and in such event it shall Comp,,,,,, to c,,,,_ be the duty of said company, at its own expense, to change their said form to altered railway so as to conform to such grade and pavement. grade- Sec. 6. That this act may et anytime be altered, amended, or repealed Right vf rerwl. by the Congress of the United States. &"- SEO. 7. That nothing in this act shall be so construed as to authorize I¤¤¤¢> of ¢z¤¤‘¤¤¤y said body corporate to issue any note, token or device, scrip, or other “°” ““"h°m°d· evidence of debt, to be used as currency. Sec. 8. That the capital stock of said company shall not be less than 0=»r>i¤¤T ¤ t 0 <>k» two hundred thousand dollars nor more than five hundred thousand “h“‘““· dollars, and that the stock shall be divided into shares of fifty dollars each, and shall be deemed personal property, tmnsiemble in such munner as the by-laws of said company may direct. Sec. 9. That the said company shell place first class cars on said rail- C3"- way, with all the modern improvements, for the convenience and com- H,,,,,,, of mu. tort of passengers, and shall run cars thereon during the day, and as ning. lute at night as eleven o’clock, and as often es every ten minutes. Sec. 10. That the said company shall provide such passenger rooms, P¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤‘ ¤¤¢>¤¤¤» oftices, stables, and depots at such points es the business of the road °°P°"“·‘°"°· uml the convenience of the public may require; and said company is hereby authorized to lay such rails through transverse streets or avenues Rum to <=¢>¤¤9<=¤ ns may be necessary not exceeding one block in distance in any one ;f:}‘;°Q;_n‘Zjf·· '"“l‘ place, for connecting the said stables, depots, and offices with the main ` tracks; and the said company is hereby authorized to purchase or lease such lands or buildings as may be necessary for the passenger rooms, ,af5‘S"°h“°*&q·¤°f ticket offices, stables, and depots above named, and not to exceed two ' hundred thousand dollars in value. Sm:. 11. That all articles of value that may be left in any of the ears R¤¤¤rd_ of mior other vehicles of said company shall be taken to its principal depot °l°’ 1*** ‘“ °*l“°· and entered in ai book of record of unclaimed goods; which book shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable hours. _ SEO. 12. That within -thirty days after the passage and approval of s££‘;Qi"‘§0';°°k‘ °f this act, the corporators named in the iirst section, or a majority of them, P ' or, if any refuse to act, then a majority of the remaiuderfshell cause books of subscription to the capital stock of said company to be opened, and kept open, in some convenient and accessible place or places in the city of Washington, for a period, to be fixed by said corporators, not less than two days; and said corpomtors shall give public notice, by advertisement in not less than two daily papers published in the city of _ Washington, of the time when and place where saidbooks shall be inN°{£3ES°f °P°¤· opened, and subscribers upon said books to the capital stock of the com- g _ _ ‘ puny shell be held to be stockholders: Provided, That no one individ- I;·¤¤m*¤ ¤f wbunl shall be allowed to subscribe for more than two hundred shares of °°"!“_’°“· said stock: Provided further, That every subscriber sl•nll,pa.y, at the m§iE;fQ°“t °“ "“b' time of subscribing, ten per ccutuin of the amount by him subscribed "° to the treasurer of said company, or his subscription shull be null nucl j void; and said payment slmll in no case be withdrzuvn or loaned to amy bel member of said company. And when the books of subscription to the k,,,,wd_ capital stock of said company shall be closed, the corporntors named in the iirst section, or at majority of them, aud, in case any of them refuse
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