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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/536

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506 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 163,164, 165, 166. 1875, sale, or procure by condemnation, a suitable tract of ground in the city of Harrisburgh, Pennsylvania, for the erection thereon of a building for the accommodation of the post-office and other Government offices in said city; and the sum of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, or A,,,,,(,,,,,,,t;°,,_ so much thereof as may be nece sary, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the purchase Proviso. of such tract of ground: Provided, That the sum hereby appropriated shall not be available until a valid title to the land shall be vested in the United States, and the State of Pennsylvania shall relinquish its jurisdgcltionhovpf thedsgme and all right to tax or assess the same while owne y the United States. Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 164.--An not authorizing the Secretaryof War to deliver certain condemned .-—--————· ordnance golthe Joseph Warren Monument Association of Boston, Massachusetts, for monumen e. purposes. J h W Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Represerétatives of the United ¤¤¤P ¤"°¤ States of America. in Congress assembled That the ecretary of War be g;ag;‘°;}°B0‘;f;‘3‘ and is hereby, guthorizleil to deliver td the Joseph 2/Varren Monument M _ ’ Association of oston assachusetts ten pieces o condemned brass ?;8:,,d,,m,,,,d 0,,,,- cannon, to be used in the erection of a’statue of Joseph Warren, in Bosnoii tc. ton, llziassaeizlhusetts, Provided, That the same can be done without detrimen to the service. Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CQAP. 165.—An act authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to use his discretion ——————— gi thaselectloh of material for the construction of a public building at Atlanta, eorgia-— Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Public building States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas-

    • SA:;’·*;f**· G;} sr uiry be, andfhe ig hereby, authoriied to use his discretion in the $ectigu

,0 ° *°** ° m o materia or the construction o the public building authoriz to e t°““H°" erected at Atlanta, Georgia, by act of Congress, approved February 1873, c. 132, v. 17, twelfth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three; and all acts, or parts P- 436- thereof, inconsistent with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed- Approved, March 3, 1875. Much 3 1875 CHAP. 166.-—An act to aid in the improvement of the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, iu .;._..._ the State of Wisconsin. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Improvement cr States of America in Congress assembled, That whenever, in the prosecu- £<:;c°a_;¤d Wisconsin gon and malintgnance fowhe improvengent of the Wisconsin and Fox · ivers in the tate 0 isconsin it ecomes necessary or proper in Taking of g,,,,,;, the judgment of 'the Secretary of War to take possession of any lands, and materials. or the right of way over any lands, for canals and cut-offs, or to. use any earth-quarries or other material- lying adjacent or near to the line of said improvement and needful. for its prosecution or maintenance, the officers in charge of said works may, in the name of the United States, take possession of and use the same, after lirst having paid or_ secured to be paid the value thereof, which may have been ascertained in the mode provided by the laws of the State wherein such F1owage-dam- property 11es. In case any lands or other property is now or shall be ages. flowed or injured by means of any part of the works of said improvement heretotore or hereafter constructed for which compensation is now