FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. GH. 166, 167,168. 1875. 507 or shall become legally owing, and in the opinion of the oihcor in charge 4 it is not prudent that the dam or dams be lowered, the amount of such compensation may be ascertained in like manner. The Department; of Dopmmonc of Justice shall represent the interests of the United Shams in legal pro- J“SU°° _*° m1>F¤· oeodiggs under this act, and for iowage-damages hereinbefore 0e0a- "M U‘&" sioue . Sec. 2. That a portion of the appropriation now made for the further Part of approproseeution of the improvement aforesaid, not exceeding in amount P'i=**·i}>¤ may ba twenty-tivo thousand dollars, may be applied in payment for the prop- }?“fd of BPf§"‘£"" orty and rights taken and used as aforesaid. ° P Op I ° ’ °' Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 16'7.—A11 act to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to adjust; and remit March 3, 1875. certain taxes and penalties claimed to be due from mining und other corporations -—-——;; and for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treas- C°Ym€¤,P°¤¤m°¤ ury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to settle and release 3;m“Q";';';‘§>; T $*1 any claims for tax on circulation of evidences of indebtedness mode corporations HL2 against any mining, manutaeturing or other corporations other than minted. against any national baukingassoeiation, State bank, or baukiugassoeiatiou, by such corporations paying the tax, wichout penalty, that shall have accrued thereon since November first, eighteen hundred and seventymhree; and that the provisions of section three thousand four hundred and twelve of the Revised Statutes of the United States shall not R. S., 3412, p. :114, be construed in pending eases, except as to national bankiligassoeia- <><>¤¤¤¤<¢d· tions, to apply to such evidences of indebtedness issued and reissued — prior to the passage of this act, but said section shall be construed as applying to such evidences of indebtedness issued after the passage ereo . Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 168.-An act to incorporate the trustees of the Louise Home, and for other MMG}! 3, 1875- PUIDOSBS. iii__-il Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That James M. Carlisle, George L C9’P‘§***°” °* W. Riggs and James C. Hall, of Washington City, in the District of °“*”° °"’°‘ Columbia, and Anthony Hyde, of Georgetown, in said District, and their associates and successors, be, and they are hereby, created and constituted a body politic and corporate in law, by the name and style of the trustees of the Louise Homo; and by that name may sue and be Corporate powsued, implead and be impleaded, have perpetual succession, and shall vwand may take, bold, manage, and dispose of ab, at; all times, real and personal estate, and shall and may do and perform all other acts and things necessary or appropriate for the execution of cho trusts created D (1 f and conferred on them in and by a certain deed from William W. Cor- "° ° “"“““· coran, of said city of Washington, to them, the said parties hereinboforo named, which is dated on the twenty-iirsl; day of November, eighteen hundred and sixty-nix1e,aurl was recorded 011 the fifteenth day of Decem- 1¤¤¤<>v<i of dwiber, eighteen hundred and seventy, in liber numbered six hundred and thirty, beginning at folio tour hundred and nity-eight, one of the landrecords of the county of Washington, in the District aloresaid, to which _ reference is hereby made for greater cerlcainlzy; the intent of this ehartzer $h=¤`T<;}`t 1§St°X°· of incorporation being that the same shall be in execution of the trusts °“ “’" ° Y ` in said deeckdcelared and set: forth, and not to any other intent, or purpose whatever. `
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