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Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 18 Part 3.djvu/538

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508 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 168, 169. 1875, Property free Sec. 2. That the buildings and grounds connected therewith, and all from f¤¤<¢S· property held by said trustees for the purposes ot said trust, on um square numbered one hundred and ninetygsix, shall be free from all taxes and assessment by the municipal authorities, or by the United States, so long as the same shall be held and used for the purposes of the said trust. _ _ Power to close Sec. 3. That the said trustees and the1r associates and successors be, ¤¤r¤=•i¤ ¤U<>y· and they are hereby, authorized and empowered, for the uses and pur. poses of said institution, to close that part of the public alley, tlftecn Proviso. ieet wide, in said square which open on Massachusetts avenue: Provided, That she said trustees pay for the ground mclosed in said alley at the assessed rate of the ground contiguous to the same 111 said square, and expend the amount thereof in grading and paving the residue of the public alley therein, or pay the same, pro rata, to the holders of property fronting on said alley, according to the number of front feet, if a majority of the owners of said front feet shall so elect. Right of amend- SEO. 4. That this act shall be subject to the action of future Gou- 1¤¤¤¤.&¤- grasses, to be altered, amended, or repealed, as the public good may require. Approved, March 3, 1875. Much 3 1875. CHAP. 169.-An act to amend enact entitled “Au act to incorporate the Mnsonio ___ , 7; .. Mutual Relief Association of the*District of Columbia approved March third, eighteen P }g>19» °· 1-**% V- 15, hundred and sixty-nine. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That section three of said act be amended to read as ibllow, beginning after the word enacted: Y M,,,,,,,,i,, Mum,1 “That the number of directors of said association shall be twenty- Relief Association one, who shall be elected by the members thereof at their annual meet- <>fDi9¤‘i¤¤ of C0- ing on the second Tuesday in November in each year, from among ’“;§Q;wm mlm_ themselves, and shall serve as hereinafter provided, that is to say; at M,. of ’ the annual election held on the second Tuesday in November, eighteen Election of: hundred and seventyive, of the directors then elected, the seven who shall receive the largest number of votes shall serve for three years; Cmsmcmou of the seven receiving the next highest number shall serve for two years; ` while the seven remaining who shall receive the next highest number shall serve for one year; and seven shall be elected annually thereafter to serve for three years- in all cases of a tie vote, the choice to bc determined by lot. And said directors shall, at their first meeting succeeding the annual meeting of the association, elect one of their number tobe president of the board of directors, who shall also be President- president of the association; and shall elect one of their number as Vice-president. vice-president, and one of their number as secretary, who shall also be secretary. secretary of the association, and the said secretary shall give bonds with surety to said association in such sums as the board of directors may require for the faithful discharge of his duties; and oneof their Tm,m,m._ number as treasurer who shall also give bonds with surety to said association in such sum as the said board of directors may require for the faithful discharge of his trust ‘ Quorum. At all meetings of the board of directors a majority of the board shall form a quorum , , Vwcaucies. “In case of any vacancy in the board of directors, by death resignation or otherwise such vacancy shall be filled by the remaining directors from among the members of said association who shall serve until the next annual meetingof the association at which time a successor shall be elected to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term ” Approved, March 3, 1875.