$10 FORTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. OH. 172, 173, 174. 1875. Much 3, 1875. CHAP. 172.-;.An act for the further eonrity of navigation on the Mississippi Riva;-, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives, of the United Shen:-booms on States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, hvidgsgpiprs on and be is hereby, authorized and directed to inquire into the expediency M*“‘“*”PP*$ of causing shear-booms to be placed on the upper end of all or any bridge. piers on the Mississippi River, for the better security and convenience of the navigation of said river for rafts of logs and timber, with specific report in each case. Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 173.-—A¤ act to amend an act entltled“An act toincorporate the Washington —-—-—-—-—— and Georgetown Railroad Company", approved May seventeenth, eighteen hundred and seventy two _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United G °;“zE;‘:;é;°“Rz?£ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Washington and n:,d"2,0mpa,,y bx_ Georgetown Railroad Company may extend its tracks in Washington tension or. ’ 1 City, District of Columbia, from Seventh street west, down Water street, to the intersection of P street south; thence along said P street to the Coincidence o f west side of the Arsenal gate: Provided, That wherever the foregoing route with Arwcvs- route may coincide with the route of the Anacostia and Potomac River
vi";] §$;,‘;_g;,° Railroad, on Water street or elsewhere in the District, or connect por-
0,,0 mm’ tions of such route, but one set of tracks shall be used by both companies; which are hereby authorized andempowered to use such tracks Toms of joint in common, upon such fair and equitable terms as may be agreed upon uw by said companies; and in the event the said companies fail to agree upon satisthetory terms, either of said companies may apply by petition to the supreme court of the District of Columbia, which shall provide tor proper notice to and hearing of all parties interested, and shall have power to determine the terms and conditions upon which, and the regulations under which, the company hereby incorporated shall be entitled so to use and enjoy the tracks of such other street railroad company, and the amount and manner of compensation to be paid therefor: And Ho W ,,,,,1; in provided further, That neither of the companies using such track in comcommon tobcused. mon shall be permitted to make the track so used in common the depot or general stopping place to await passengers, but shall only be entitled to.,use the same for the ordinary passage of their cars, with the ordinary halts for the taking up and the dropping of passengers; And provided G""d° °f ““°k· jnrtloer, That said railroad track shalleonform to the grade established by the board of public works of the District of Columbia Approved, March 3, 1875. Merch 3» 1875- CHAP. 174.-An act to provide for the sale of the buildings and grounds known """"""""'”"‘ as the Detroit Arsenal, in the State of Michigan. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Dsmit ¤·¥¤¤¤¤L States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War be, £{$mg““· *° b° and he is hereby, authorized and directed"to transfer to the custody M', ,, D 0 ,. ,,,1 d and control of the Secretary of the Interior, for salefor cash, according mms of sale. _ to the existing laws of the United" Statés‘relating"to the public lands, , after appraisemen t, to the highest bidder, after giving not less than ninety days’ notice of the time and place of such sale in three of the most prominent newspapers published in said State, and at not less than the appraised value, the buildings and grounds known as the subdivision c r Detroit Arsenal in the State of Michigan : Provided, That the Secre-
- b¤ 1>¤>1>¤r¢y· tary of the Interior shall. cause the said property to be` subdivided into
tracts of not more than forty acres each. or into town lots with proper