512 FORTYEHIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 177,178,179. 1875, this net, or the act of which this act is amendatory, shall not be constructed of aroh spans. Cnbokis. Bend, Sec. 2. That if the said corporation accept the bridge site, numbered when to be c1¤¤¤<1- •* 2 ” on the plan and survey submitted to the Secretary of War, the com. pany shall he required to close Cahokia Bend by a dam or similar work Plan to be sub- to hold the channel against the western bluiis above the bridge: And mittcd,&c. provided further, That after the said company shall have accepted the site and definitely planned the bridge with its piers, the plan shall be submitted to the Secretary of War for his approval. And in maintain- Conditions, am., ing and operating said bridge it shall be subject to all the conditions and of <>n<·¤¤¢i¤g· restrictions imposed by the act of which this is amendn tory. Bight of amend- Sec. 3. That Congress shall at all times have the right to amend or ment,&c. repeal this act. Approved, March 3, 1875. Much 3 1g7g_ CHAP. 178.-—·Au act for the relief of General Samuel W. Crawford, and to iixthe .;-J.;- rank and pny of retired 0E0n-irs of the Army. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United s. W. Crawford, States of America in Congress assembled, That the retirement as a colonel, "9¤}`¤¤ ¤¤ l¤¤‘¤2¤-· on February nineteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, for disn- '”“"g°"°’"r bility on account of a wound received in battle, of Brevet Major General S. W. Crawford, United States Army, be, and the same hereby is, so amended that the said Crawford shall be retired and be borne on the retired list of the Army as a brigadier general, he having held the rank Commencement of brigadier general at the time he was wounded: Provided, That his of psy. retired pay as brigadier general shall commence from the passage of, t is act. " Omcm ,6,,,,,,,1 » S11:0. 2. That all officers of the Army who have been heretofore retired for disability from by reason of disability arising from wounds received in action shall be wounds in action. considered as retired upon the actual rank held by them, whether in {gmk °f¤ °“ ’°m°d the regular or volunteer seryice, at the time when such wound was ' received, and shall be borne on the retired list and receive pay hereafter accordingly; and this section shall be taken and construed to include those now borne on the retired list placed upon it on account of wounds Provise. . received in action: Prorided, That ‘no part of the foregoing act shall Application or apply to those oiilcers who had been in service as commissioned officers Mt- twenty-five years at the date of their retirement; nor to those retired officers who had lost an arm or leg, or has an arm or leg permanently disabled by reason of resection, on account of wounds, or both eyes by 1868 0 38 52 reason of wounds received in battle; and every sueh officer now borne v_ 15, I;_5g_ ’ ’ on the retired list shall be continued tlrereon notwithstanding the provisions of section two chapter thirty-eight act o.f March thirty, eighteen Proviso. hundred and sixty-eight; and be lit also provided that no retired officer Appucmon of shall be affected by this act, who hasbeen retired or may hereafter be not. retired on the rank held by him at the time of his retirement; and RBD0MB_ that alldacts or parts of acts inconsistent herewith be, and are hereby, repea e . » ` Approved, March 3, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 179.-—A:n not extending the' privilege of the Library of Congress to the -—L—-—;-·———. Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. _ . . Be itmaoted by the Senate and`House of Representatives of the United Use or Library States of America in O'o1zgress‘qssemblcd, That the Joint Committee of _ BY _§1°S9¤*g¤ 9* both Houses of Congres 6n_the Library be authorized to extend. the t:;}0¤?°"'““ ""°" use of the books in the Library of Congress to the Regents of the Smithsonian Institution resident in Washington on the same conditions and restrictions as members of Congress are allowed · use the Library. Approved, March 3, 1875.