514 FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 182, 183, 184. 1875. constitute a quorum, shall elect one of their number to be president of the board, who shall also be president of the company: and the board Sccremry and shall also choose a secretary and treasurer, and choose or provide for- ¤°w“°’· the appointment of such officers and agents as they may deem necessary. By—1¤w¤,&c. The board of directors may make such by-laws, rules and regulations not inconsistent with this act or the laws of the United States or the several States through which its boats may pass or in which it may transact business, as they conceive to be proper respecting the disposition and management of the stock, property estate and effects of the Vacancies in company; and in case of a vacancy occurring in the board by death board. resignation, or otherwise the vacancy shall be nlled by the remaining President a n d directors. No person shall be a director or president who is not a stockaireotors to be holder and any person ceasing to be a stockholder shall cease to be a “*"°kh°ld°'“· director. Every stockholder in the said company shall be individually L i ab i 1 i t y for liable for debts of and claims accruing against the company to an ‘1"b*“· amount equal to the amount of stock he may hold therein Meeting for or- Sec. 4. That the persons named in the iirst section of this act or a S°“’“**°¤· majority of them may call n. meeting of the stockholders for the purpose of organizing the said company at such time and place as they may determine upon after advertising the time and place of meeting ior ten days in one or more newspapers published in the city of Washington; and at said meeting and all other meetings of the stockholders, every share.of the stock shall entitle the holder thereof to one vm,, vote, to be given in person or by proxy. General meetings of the stock- Aunualmcctings. holders for the election of directors shall be held annually thereafter; · and it shall be the duty of the directors to give ten days notice of the time and place of holding such meetings by advertising in one or more newspapers published in Washington; and all votes given for directors sh€.l(ll_be cégunted and certified by a committee of stockholders who are no irec rs. . Sec. 5. That this act may at any time be altered or amended or repealed by Congress. Approved, March 3, 1875. MM‘¤h 3. 1875 CHAP. 183.-An act to provide for the construction of military roads in Arizona. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Apprqnriatiqnfor States of America in Congress assembled, That there bc, and is hereby °°**°;*¤A11**m¤'Y appropriated, from any money in the Treasury of the United States not ’°“d“ “‘ ”°““‘ otherwise appropriated, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars to be used under the direction of the Secretary of War, in the construction of military roads in the.Territory oi Arizona, as follows, namely, From Fort Whipple to Camp McDowell, with a branch to Camp Verde, and from Fort Whipple to Skull Valley direct Approved, March 8, 1875. March 3, 1875. CHAP. 184.-An act relating to a site for a public building at Jersey City, in the —--———--——-·—-— State of New ersey Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Sife for public States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasg‘;m;;8J*¤ °’¤°Y ury he, and he is hereby, authorized to purchase at private sale, or by 1g53,],_g95,,_ 1,, coudemnationjf necessary, a suitable site for the public building to be jp.613, erected in Jersey City, in the State of New Jersey, provided for by act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three ; P¤>¤¢¤¤1i¤g¤_ for the proceedings to condemn to be instituted in the district court of the ‘:’,f8‘::'g:3*{,‘L':i United States for the district of New Jersey, and conducted under the mk,,,, direction of the said court so far as practicable, in the mannerprescribed