FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. "U11.184, 185,1%,187. 1875. 515 by the act of the legislature of the State of New Jersey, entitled “Au act to authorize the forlpatiou of railroad corporations and regulate the seme,” approved Apml second, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, or such other mode of condemnation, as shall be in pursuance of the laws of said-State, and as the said court may determine upon, Provided, Limit of ws; That the cost of said site shall not exceed the amount appropriated by the said act of March third, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. Approved, March 3, 1875. ‘ QBAP. 185.-An act providing for the peymept of certain employees of the House MM-ch 3, 1g15_ . of Representatives. ...-.-— BH2? enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Oongress assembled, That the following sums, or so Appropriations. much thereof as may be necessary, be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, namely : To enable the Clerk of the House of Representatives to pay fourteen Disabled mldm, disabled soldiers in the service of the House from December seventh, in service ofHouse. eighteen hundred and seventy-four, to April first, eighteen hundred and eeventydlve, six thousand dollars. For the pay of five pages, from December seventh; eighteen hundred Pages. and seventy-four, +0 April Bret, eighteen hundred and seventy-five, one thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of seven folders from July ilrst, eighteen hundred and sev- Folders. euty-four, to December first, eighteen hundred and seventyfour, three thousand nine hundred and sixty-six dollars mud sixty-six cents; also, for the pay of six colored laborers from December seventh eighteen C0k,,6d;,,b0,,,r,_ hundred and seventy-four,t0 April ilrst, eighteen hundred and seve¤ty· tive, one tllousandfour hundred dollars. These amounts to be disbursed under the direction of the Committee D*¤*>*{F**1m°¤* of on Accounts of the House of Representatives. ”PP‘°¥’"““*°”· Approved, Merch 3, 1875. VHAB 186.—~A¤ not to restore Captain John C. Beaumont of the United States Navy, Match 3, 1875. tohis original position on the Navy Register. ——--——-—--· Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqwcscntatévcs of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United ·7°:¤¤ C- B •= ¤· ¤ ~ States be, and he is hereby authorized to restore John O. Beaumont, ;';‘Q“i¤&{“*;?£tiQg Captain in the United States Navy, now on the active list, to his origi- on gmt, R0gim,_ nel position on the Navy Register, next above Captain Charles H. B. Caldwell. Approved, March 3, 1875. CHAP. 18'l.—A¤‘ act for the relief of Major N. H. McLean, late of Adjutant Generals March 3, 1875. department, United States Army. "‘_—*""" Bc it enacted b the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United States of Amerioegin Congress assembled, {mt the President be, and is L£:*g°¤*§L$&§§£ hereby, authorized to appoint. Major Nathaniel H; McLean, late of the og i’np*ZMj“w¤t_ United States Army to dll the ilrst vacancy which niay occur m the qmmmivs pepm. lowest grade of the Adjutant Generals department, or if he shall deem ment auuwmeu. · it best, to reinstate and retire him with the mul: to which he would have attained in service at the date of the passage of this act. Approved, March 3, 1875. -