630 FOBTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. II. CII. 75, 70, 85,%.*1875. _ Feb. 13, 1875. CHAP. 75.-—An set granting relief to`Fr¤.ucis Dodge. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United P ay m on t t o States of America. in Congress assembled, That the sum of six thousand F*¤¤¤l¤ D<>¤z¤· — dollars be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury of the United States not otherwise appropriated, to Francis Dodge, trustee for the owners of the schooner Fairfax, as compensation for the loss and destruction of said schooner, in October, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, by reason of the seizure and appropriation of the same by the naval authorities of the Government. Approved, February 13, 1875. Feb. 17, 1875: CHAP. 79.-An act for the relief of William,}'. Coite. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Payment to Wil- States of Amerika in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the Treasli¤¤¤ J- CGM- ury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to William J. Ooite, late ‘ acting assistant paymaster, United States Navy, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of nine hundred and fifty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; the same being the amount falsely returned by the clerk of said Coite, when the same was unable, through sickness, to supervise his dual accounts. Approved, February 17, 1875. Fob_ 18 1g7B_ CQAP. 85.-—Au act to enable Ann J ennette Hathaway, executrix of the last will and ._...L.. testament of Joshua Hathaway, deceased, to make application to the Commissioner of Patents for the extension of letters patent for improved device for converting . reciprocating into rotary motion. _ . Be it enacted by the Senate and_.l1ousc of Representatives of the United Ann J ounotte States of America in Congress assembled, That Ann Jennette Hathaway, ilmrgrwuy. M ¤¤- as execntrix of the last will and testament of Joshua. Hathaway, de· "f£;:1‘;l‘w:f ceased, of Milwaukeeyin the State of Wisconsin, have leave to make 1,,,,,, p, {,3,,,;, f,,, application to the Commissioner of Patents for an extension of the let extension or pim ters patent granted to J oshua Hathaway for improved device for con- ¢>¤f~ verting reciprocating into rotary motion, under date of April third, eighteen hundred and sixty, for the term of seven years from and after · the expiration of the original term of 'fourteen yea for which said let ters patent are granted; such application to be mage in the same manner and to have the same effect as if the same had been died not less than ninety days before the expiration of the aforesaid original Commissioner M_ term of said patent; _ And upon such application so Bled the Commisighgrizgd to con. sioner of Patents shall be authorized to consider and determine the ¤i<1¤r ¤pp1i<=¤¢i¤¤· same in the same manner, upon giving A the same notice, and with the same effect as if the application had been duly Bled within the time prescribed by law, and as if the ori giual term of said patenthad not expired, should the same expire before he has reasonable time to inquire into the Pmvim facts and make his decision: Provided, That no person shall be held 11a»· ble for the infringement of said patent, if extended, for making use of said invention since the expiration of the original term of said patent, and prior to the date of its extension. . · Approved, February 18, 1875. . ‘ _ FW- 18. 1875 CHAP. 86.·-·A.n act authorizing John Hazeltluo to make application to the C0mmi¤· ’—·‘_—"‘—"" Jsiouer of Patents for the extenaipnpf his patent for a new and psefnl water-wheel- . . Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the United p,,Egg§,§,°Q§ggL;J({ States of America? in Congress assembled, That the Commissioner of PW- to extend patent of ents, upon due application made to him therefor, and upon the same